‘You Can’t Want Him Away’ – ‘His Phrase Is Legislation’
“Never Trump” former Republican Rick wilson warns Americans about Donald Trump. The Lincoln Project co-founder, who responded Friday to an Axios report claiming “Trump’s iron grip on the GOP has been institutionalized,” agrees, saying, “His word is law.”
“Those of you who think Trump will go away if you call him ‘the former man’ are missing the point; you cannot wish him away. It’s politically naïve and borders on youth, ”tweeted the audacious political strategist who is the author of Everything Trump Touches This.
“Many of the proponents who call him the ex-husband live in a Beltway dream world,” warned Wilson. “Trump can break any of them with a word.”
He mocked those who said, “I’m going to call this cancer a bad cold because the algorithms won’t pay so much attention to it.”
It’s not a strategy. It’s a prank at best. In 2015 and 2016, the entire American political class – myself included – had a massive lack of imagination. It can always be worse. “
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For those who have given some Republicans the benefit of the doubt and say they are only following Trump to protect themselves, they are not really buying into his extremism, guess again.
“Trump’s henchmen – both in Mar a Lago and beyond – now have complete control over the Republican Party’s political and fundraising machinery,” said Wilson. “His word is law. Nobody comes to save the GOP from him; They are accomplices, not hostages. “
And for those who believe Trump and Trumpism will just go away, wither or go away and everyone can just relax, Wilson says, “The GOP plans, works, grinds.”
5 / Refusing to focus on the hanging reality of its next run and its defining role in our politics will make 2022 and 2024 so much more difficult … and while the internal divisions in the Democratic Party are expected, plans, works, Grind.
– Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) May 7, 2021
Image by Gilbert Mercier via Flickr and a CC license