‘Truthful to Say’ Expenses in Trump Felony Investigation ‘Are on the Horizon’
Well-known former federal attorney Renato Mariotti says it is “fair to say” that the Manhattan District Attorney’s investigation into the Trump organization “has indictments on the horizon,” which may include Donald Trump, his company’s employees and / or members of could belong to his family.
Mariotti warns that Tuesday’s news that Manhattan Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. impaned a special grand jury doesn’t mean anyone will be charged.
“The mere fact that a special grand jury has been set up does not mean that any particular person will be charged. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Trump himself will be charged, ”said Mariotti on Twitter.
“But it’s fair to say the Vance investigation is well advanced and charges are on the horizon.”
Those words echo coverage of the Washington Post, which states that “District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage in more than two years,” and, “It suggests Also points out that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime – if not from Trump, then from someone who may be close to him or from his company. “
He also says today’s news “is the second sign in the past few days that Vance’s investigation has hit the home stretch. NY AG recently announced Tish James that their office would investigate Trump “together” with the Manhattan attorney. It just means that some of their staff will join the prosecution’s efforts. “
5 / Reports suggest the investigation is extensive and includes potential tax charges and misstatements in the financial statements.
This is in line with reports that Vance is investigating other members of the Trump organization, such as longtime CFO Allen Weisselberg.
– Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) May 25, 2021
On the subject of possible fraud, Mariotti says: “Fraud is only when you lie to people in order to get their money. So the case usually depends on whether the defendant knew that the statements in the documents were false. “
“It is easier to prove knowledge for people like Weisselberg who are involved in the creation or authorization of the documents.”
And he warns against reaching conclusions one way or another.
9 / It looks like prosecutors are moving fast, and today’s announcement and AG’s recent decision to publicly join the criminal investigation suggest that the investigation is at an advanced stage.
But the indictment could be months away and we don’t know who will be named first. /End
– Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) May 25, 2021