‘They Truly Pulled Him Off Ground’

During the defense battle over why Senators acquitted former President Donald Trump, who is charged with “inciting insurrection,” three senior Republican attorneys consulted with lawyers for the accused, ashamed 45th President on “legal strategy”.

On Friday, while the trial was progressing and the Trump defense attorneys stood on the floor of the Senate making their arguments, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) left the process in support of Trump’s defense.

John Bresnahan, co-founder of Punchbowl News, reports that Trump’s attorneys “actually pulled him off the ground”.

. @ LindseyGrahamSC leaves the Senate and goes into the room with Trump’s lawyers. They actually pulled him off the floor

– John Bresnahan (@bresreports) February 12, 2021

The Recount posted a video showing Graham going to consult with defense lawyers.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) leaves Trump’s impeachment office during hiatus in the Senate.pic.twitter.com/IRvrMRliDE

– The recount (@therecount) February 12, 2021

CNN’s Manu Raju reports that Senator Ted Cruz, who also helped with the strategy, was also spotted today.

Senator Ted Cruz was spotted by the pool during recess when he walked into the LBJ room – where Trump’s lawyers used as a work area. He was there last night – along with Graham and Lee – talking about the defense team’s strategy

– Manu Raju (mkraju), February 12, 2021

Some answers:

Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, who are again breaking their oath to be impartial, met with the Trump impeachment team ahead of the next stage in the trial.

– Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) February 12, 2021

Lindsey Graham was walking back into the attorney’s room.

So unethical.

– Elizabeth C. McLaughlin, Esq. (@ECMcLaughlin) February 12, 2021

Sen. @ LindseyGrahamSC met with the defense team and former Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller. Graham tells me that the defense has done a lot on the constitutional argument. He seemed satisfied with the defense case.

– Garrett Haake (@GarrettHaake) February 12, 2021

What will the consequences be for Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and any other U.S. Republican Senator who has a duty to serve as a juror in Trump’s impeachment but who openly breaks Senate rules and conspires with Trump’s legal defenders?

– Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) February 12, 2021