OUR MAILBOX: Civil Rights, Battery Storage, Quick-term Leases | Letters
Protect our rights
Dear editor,
With COVID-19 or otherwise known as Coronavirus, we have all been affected in some way. But in this unprecedented time we have forgotten to respect our law, conscience, and even our rights.
As many know, rights are what it takes to be a citizen of the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence states that all human beings are created equal and have inalienable rights that are life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. First and foremost, the government cannot take them away from us unless we have broken a criminal law.
In my opinion, staying at home has deprived me of my right to go out and socialize. In the meantime, my governor Gavin Newsom was going to a dinner party with his friends. In the book “The Law” by Frederic Bastiat it says: “But how can this legal looting be identified? Quite easy. See if the law takes what belongs from some people and gives to others who don’t. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. ”
This explains that it is not right or in good conscience to deny our right to pursue happiness by getting in touch with our friends and family. It annoys me that the government can take what’s ours by finding loopholes in the law or not following the rules it tells us to.
It shouldn’t matter which political party you are, we are all Americans and we have these rights.
We have to stand up for our freedoms and against our elected leaders who don’t follow their own rules. We cannot sit here and let future generations like me suffer the consequences of becoming dependent on the government for our money, health care and happiness.
My parents teach me that I am responsible for these things. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. Thank you.
Courtney Brinton
Fifth grade (homeschooled)
Great progress
Dear editor,
Thank you for reporting this incredible achievement (the AES Battery Energy Storage Project) in Long Beach.
When I think of the future of clean energy, large battery systems like this one are vital. This is a big step in the right direction in balancing clean energy like solar power during the day with battery power at night.
I am so proud of Long Beach to set a great example of how carbon-free dreams can come true. I hope this advance will continue to spread.
If Congress can pass policies that encourage more green energy jobs to mitigate climate change, then places like the AES Alamitos Energy Center are commonplace across the country.
This is a perfect example of why I support a carbon dividend plan like the Energy Innovation Act HR 763. Today I salute the private sector for making the wise choice here. I hope the nation will follow suit soon.
Lars Hansen
Short term rentals
Dear editor,
I would like to respond to some of the comments made by Mr Hogenson in his letter (Our Mailbox, December 17, 2020) on the STR (Short-Term Rental) Regulation. He described the city council’s compromise decision to allow non-hosted STRs while adding the opt-out clause to the regulation. He explains, “It gives residents the ability to say yes or no to STRs in their neighborhood – the ultimate in democratic governance.”
According to Code Enforcement, residents do not have the option to disable STRs in their neighborhood. The opt-out option only applies to non-hosted STRs. And it’s not just the neighbors affected by the unhosted STRs who have to vote to log out. In fact, 50% plus 1 of all residential property owners in an area known as the “Census Tract Block Group” must vote to deregister. The Census Tract Block Group typically falls in the 300 to 400 homeowner range. Finally, there is a $ 1,000 fee to request the opt-out.
For years, local residents (like me) have been liaising with their councilors and describing how these STRs have destroyed their quality of life, their sense of security, and (in some cases) their safety. Some examples of my STR experiences have been: finding a passed out tenant in the front yard of the STR next door, finding a tenant on the hood of a running car next to my driveway, and finding a tenant having sex in a car in front of mine House.
I was repeatedly terrorized by the tenant’s aggressive, often unleashed, dogs when they were allowed to growl at me, bark, bump into me, and attack me on or around my property. And I worry about my safety every time I step out the front door because I never know who or what (from the STR next door) I’m (again) in my garage, in my driveway, on my lawn in front of the Find house or park in front of my house.
Although the city council was aware that STRs were nuisances that threatened the public health, safety, or welfare of neighboring properties, it continued to allow these unregulated companies to set up shop in residential areas. Now that the city council has finally dealt with the STR situation, it appears to be an ordinance that is primarily aimed at ensuring that the city benefits financially from the continued existence of the STR.
Obviously, STR neighbors have no power over STRs in our neighborhood. Because if we did that, there would be no STRs. In all of this, I see absolutely no example of “the ultimate in democratic governance”.
Ria Davis
Long beach
Be persistent
Dear editor,
Kudos to the Long Beach Health Department.
My wife and I completed our coronavirus vaccinations at the Long Beach Health Department last Thursday. My wife registered us online and followed up twice a day and called the number provided.
She reached out to Isaac who gave her a link offering appointment options (we got ours for the next day). Everyone we met was very professional and very friendly too. In both cases, we were actually home before the appointment.
If you want the vaccination (s) you will need to follow up. Be persistent!
Patrick Thomas
Long beach