Hearken to Anti-Science Senator Ron Johnson Say Solely Vaccinate the ‘Weak’
US Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) now says that only “at risk” people should be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, as more than 580,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus and more than 32 million people in the US have been infected.
Senator Johnson, a climate change denier who participated in a fundraiser after testing for the deadly virus and waiting for the positive results, spoke to a local right-wing radio host this week.
Calling it “not a fully approved vaccine,” Johnson told the audience, “I think we probably should have restricted its distribution to those in need of protection.
“I see no reason to give people vaccines,” said Johnson, who was first reported by Daily Kos and Forbes.
“What’s the point when science tells us vaccines are 95% effective? So if you have a vaccine, honestly, what do you care if your neighbor does or not? Mind your own business? You have a vaccine and your science tells you it’s very, very effective. Why is this a big step in making sure everyone gets a vaccine? “
Vaccines are 90% effective in practice. Studies show that the longer people wait for a vaccination, the more people refuse to be vaccinated, the more the virus mutates into “variants” that at some point can no longer be controlled by the COVID-19 vaccine. At least one study has shown that the vaccine is “less effective” with one of the variants.
Johnson, who came under fire last month for saying he would only have been “concerned” if the insurgents were Black Lives Matter activists, said he was against vaccine passports and “very suspicious of what’s going on” He said it could be “very libertarian”.
Dangerously irresponsible. Today @SenRonJohnson asked why there is “a lot of pressure in the US to make sure everyone gets a vaccine”. Listen: #WISen pic.twitter.com/hiek0QqLly
– American Bridge 21st Century (@American_Bridge) April 22, 2021