Group alleges girls-only science camps violate civil rights of boys – KIRO 7 Information Seattle
The banners in front of the Pacific Science Center read: “Science needs women.”
In addition to the camps for all children, the center has on its website what it calls “summer camps for girls” on its website.
The PacSci website states that the camps “help girls build self-confidence, build supportive friendships and be inspired by female leaders and role models”.
Girls’ science camps are common across the country to address the underrepresentation of women in science and technology fields.
“The Pacific Science Center has been doing this for a while, and since they are receiving federal funding, we believe they are violating the equality clause,” said Sean Kullman of the Global Initiative for Boys and Men.
Kullman said his organization had filed a complaint with the Federal Office of Civil Rights.
“We definitely believe boys and girls should have equal opportunities, and if there is only for girls, not just boys, we believe they are violating boys’ civil rights,” Kullman said.
The science center’s website states: “While these camp sessions are for girls and / or gender-offensive youth, we would never have excluded a boy from participating in these programs if they were interested.”
In a statement, the Pacific Science Center said some programs represent efforts to provide additional support to underserved groups.
PacSci said it takes particular pride in programming programs for teens who have historically been underrepresented in STEM areas.