Labor & Employment Alert: Federal Applications for Emergency Paid Sick Go away and Expanded Household and Medical Go away About to Expire? – postscript

As we told you on Monday, Congress intended to proceed with its massive Covid-19 funding bill but had not announced any plan to extend its paid sick leave or emergency family and sick leave programs from last spring. As you no doubt also know, they passed a 5,593 page act called the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. There were reports that there were indeed negotiations in the back room to extend these programs to the end, but these clauses still haven’t been included. Net result:

If you are an employer looking to see the end of these programs, they will actually expire by the end of this year. and that’s one less HR constraint to keep in mind.

If you’re an employer who found the programs useful, there’s a twist! The requirements will be gone; However, employers are allowed to voluntarily continue to comply with existing rules for both paid sick leave and the emergency FMLA program. If you choose to, you will retain the tax credits previously set up to fund the cost of these payments.Available until March 31, 2021. For over 100 years, Brouse McDowell has helped customers overcome difficult times and solve problems that continue that tradition . Please contact us if you have any questions. We’re here to help.

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