Greek labor unions name 24-hour basic strike for June 10
Greek unions call for 24-hour general strike on June 10 – NEWS 1130
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Posted on 6/2/2021 5:53 AM PDT
Last updated Jun 2, 2021 at 6:03 am PDT
ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Greek unions are calling for a 24-hour general strike next week to protest against legislative proposals they believe jeopardize workers’ rights.
Public and private sector unions said they would join the strike, scheduled for June 10th. The work stoppage is expected to affect services and transportation throughout the day.
The unions say a bill by the Greek center-right government will make it harder to call strikes and compromise health and safety such as the country’s eight-hour working day and Sunday as a non-working day.
The Greek government has stated that the proposed changes aim to modernize labor law, which has remained largely unchanged for decades and would not jeopardize the eight-hour day.
The Associated Press
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