Anti-Science GOP Senator Urges Inside Nominee to Delete Tweet Saying ‘Republicans Do not Consider in Science’
During the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate US Congressman Deb Haaland responded to Mike Pence’s remarks and tweeted, “You deleted the word science from your website.” It appears to have related to one of the first acts the Environmental Protection Agency undertook under recently sworn in President Donald Trump: cleaning up a portion of the EPA website with the word “science” on it.
Columbia University Law Schools’ Sabin Center for Climate Change Law reported:
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), which develops clean water standards for states, has removed references to “science” from a website describing its mission. A statement that the OSTP is developing “science-based” standards to combat water pollution has been amended to indicate that the Office is developing “economically and technologically achievable standards”.
The following year, in 2018, Scientific American reported another erosion of science compliance in the Trump administration:
Thousands of climate change information websites have been removed or buried with agencies such as the US EPA, Home Affairs and Energy Departments, and other government agencies, according to a new report.
During that VP debate, Rep. Haaland, a New Mexico Democrat who happens to be an American Indian, posted these two tweets:
Republicans don’t believe in ate science 👏🏼 #VPDebate
– Deb Haaland (eDebHaalandNM), October 8, 2020
She wasn’t wrong.
Little did she know, either, that four months later, as President Biden’s candidate for Home Secretary, she would be sitting before the Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee and asked by a Republican senator to delete her tweet – who doesn’t believe in science .
Meet US Senator Steve Daines from Montana.
Daines is against LGBT:
#SCOTUS overrides the will of the people of Montana who defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
– Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) June 26, 2015
He’s for coal and fossil fuels and doesn’t believe in green energy or that climate change is real:
Mr President, coal will keep the lights on and will provide electricity to the world for decades to come. #SOTU
– Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) January 13, 2016
President Obama’s war on energy hurts jobs in Montana: RT @NBCMontana: Daines rips Obama’s climate change proposal at
– Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) June 25, 2013
He killed the Keystone XL pipeline, re-entered the catastrophic Paris Agreement, and is now trying to freeze state oil, coal and gas leases. This is a downright attack on American energy and union jobs.
– Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) January 21, 2021
The #GreenNewDeal would literally leave our rural communities in the dark. When it is -40, our wind turbines stop turning. What is taking up the slack and keeping the heat up for our families and businesses? COAL!
– Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) March 26, 2019
According to a local Montana news report, Daines is “the most conservative US House member in Montana history.”
Another local Montana news agency asked why Sen. Daines “supports the turning point between science and public health in the US”. TPUSA is a far-right organization closely associated with President Donald Trump and his son Don Jr. The former communications director once suggested that the only problem with Adolph Hitler was that he was a globalist.
Senator Daines is so anti-scientific that he believes in creationism – or at least thinks it should be taught science classes.
“What schools should teach is that in terms of biology and science, um, there’s evolution theory, there’s creation theory, and so on. I think we should teach students to think critically and teach students that there are evolutionary theories and intelligent design theories and allow students to choose, ”he said, as Mother Jones reported.
He is also against abortion and supports an anti-LGBT hate group:
. @ JoeBiden rewards the abortion industry and uses tax dollars to create a slush fund that fills their pockets. It’s embarrassing.
We must fight back and do everything we can to protect the unborn, the most vulnerable, and ALL life.
– Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) January 28, 2021
The fact that Daines has a degree in chemical engineering doesn’t mean that he believes in science. And when he does, he hides it very well as his record shows.
Here is Senator Daines asking Congressman Haaland to delete her tweet, apparently as a requirement for admission as Home Secretary.
Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) asked Home Secretary Rep. Deb Haaland to consider withdrawing her tweet saying “Republicans don’t believe in science”.
– The recount (@therecount) February 24, 2021