Jan. 31 panel dialogue: ‘Shared Legacies: The Affrican-American Jewish Civil Rights Alliance’

The host is the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival

The documentary “Common Legacies: The African American Jewish Civil Rights Alliance” tells the story of the coalition and friendship between

the Jewish and African American communities during the civil rights movement.

Film Link Available for 72 hours from January 28, 2021, 6 p.m.. Virtual panel discussion with special guests Sunday, January 31st at 7pm Our committee will be Dr. Susannah Heschel, the Eli M. Black Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Jewish Studies Program at Dartmouth College. Tanisha Johnson, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Seacoast Chapter; James T. McKim, Chairman of the Episcopal Church National Executive Committee on Anti-Racism and Reconciliation and President of the NAACP in Manchester; and Dr. Dottie R. Morris, vice president of institutional diversity and justice at Keene State College and vice chairman of the NH Board of Governors for Justice and Inclusion.

Registration required.
Create an Eventive Account. Register online at https://specialnhjff.eventive.org/welcome OR by calling the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire office (603-627-7679) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
