Web Livid After Sidney Powell Insists ‘No Cheap Individual’ Would Have Believed Her

“Tell this to the families of the murdered Capitol cops.”

Lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell insisted for months that then-President Donald Trump won re-election, that it was stolen from him, and told an outrageous story of a government supercomputer changing votes on Joe Biden amid a communist conspiracy Cuba, George Soros. China, Venezuela, the Clinton Foundation, Antifa, the dead Hugo Chávez and the voting machine manufacturers Dominion and Smartmatic.

Dominion and Smartmatic both sued them for defamation.

In response to Dominion’s $ 1.3 billion lawsuit, Powell is now trying to dismiss it – by blaming anyone who believed it.

Buzzfeed News senior reporter Zoe Tillman gave the details: Powell claims “no sane person would conclude” that these were “real statements of fact.”

Sidney Powell has dismissed Dominion’s libel suit. She argued that when she accused Dominion of being part of a Venezuelan-linked election fraud system, “no sane person would conclude” that these were “statements of fact” https://t.co/RDPD1eGvY3 pic.twitter.com / p5zssgV5JJ

– Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) March 22, 2021

“Powell argues that she cannot be held liable if the information on which she based her ‘opinions and legal theories’ was in fact unreliable,” added Tillman. but she also later makes it clear that she denies that her information was ‘wrong’. “

It was only three weeks ago that her last cases were dropped – by the US Supreme Court, which dismissed them. In other words, she expected the nation’s Supreme Court to believe her arguments, but said in response to the lawsuit that “no sane person should have”.

Twitter was quick to bury them in ridicule, but some are downright angry, like this woman who says Powell thinks America is “a toy – to play with, torn in half and then thrown away when it’s no longer bewitching”.

That makes me very angry. My own * mother * believed Sidney Powell. I’m so mad that people like Powell claim they are “the patriots”. You hate America. This woman thinks her country is a toy that can be played with, cut in half and then thrown away as soon as it is no longer charming. https://t.co/pe5yAV4x4F

– Eve Fairbanks (@evefairbanks) March 22, 2021

This is how others react:

So she admits to breaking a number of rules of professional ethics in an attempt to defeat a libel suit.

That’s pretty desperate.

– Jason Silverman (@JMSilvermanEsq) March 22, 2021

“No sane person would believe me if I said that this snake oil is drinkable. But I’ll sell it to you for $ 50 a vial – a bargain for such a delicious and safe health tonic. “

– Walter Shaub (@waltshaub), March 22, 2021

Powell is a shame that should be ruled out for her unethical behavior. https://t.co/iKq5FHyZeB

– Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) March 22, 2021

Sidney Powell’s Defense: “Everything I said about Dominion was bullshit. If you believed anything I said, you are an idiot. It’s your fault, not mine “

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) March 22, 2021

With just a few small changes, Sidney Powell’s request for dismissal could easily be turned into a blocking decision. https://t.co/WLPDVCXpcg

– Ari Cohn (@AriCohn) March 22, 2021

Sidney Powell wants people to believe that even the octopuses don’t believe her.

– BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) March 22, 2021

This shows that Sidney Powell regards supporters of the former president and the @GOP legislature as unreasonable that only stupid people would have believed their electoral fraud statements. The problem is, many Republican lawmakers continue to mistakenly believe the election was stolen. https://t.co/t6OcGn5eUX

– Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) March 22, 2021

I wonder how anyone who lived and died on Sidney Powell’s words will feel like knowing that their defense is to claim that NO NAMIBLE PERSON WOULD END YOUR CLAIMS ARE REAL FACTS. https://t.co/yl461IZouu

– Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) March 22, 2021

I want Sidney Powell to tell this to every single insurgent who stormed the Capitol on January 6th with the intention of hanging the Vice President and assassinating the Speaker of the House.

I want her to tell the families of the Capitol cops who were murdered. https://t.co/8AIOUvKh42

– Kurt Bardella (@kurtbardella) March 22, 2021

And with that, Sidney Powell explains that she must be disappointed. She now states that the allegations she made in a perjury lawsuit were BS and she knew it. So disbarment is number one. And “I lied” doesn’t make a defamation lawsuit superfluous. https://t.co/7UHLSFxrfz

– Kurt “Masks save lives” Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) March 22, 2021

Fox News, when Tucker Carlson is sued for lying: No sane person should actually believe he’s honest.

Sidney Powell, when sued for lying: No sane person should really believe that I’m honest.

There’s a trend here … https://t.co/M9HRnDI3Ce

– Lis Power (@ LisPower1) March 22, 2021

Sidney Powell admits that everything she said was bullshit.

– Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) March 22, 2021

The Sidney Powell story is breathtaking. She led a fraudulent effort to override the will of 81 million voters and our constitutional republic. And just a few months later, she openly admits that it was a fraud in a public trial.

– A Hopeful Citizen (@ThePubliusUSA) March 22, 2021