Trump’s Lackey Rudy Giuliani Has Been Diminished to Promoting Cigars and Cash on YouTube

It has been less than two weeks since President Donald Trump fired the US attorney who heads the once independent New York South Office (SDNY). Geoffrey Berman conducted a criminal investigation into the President’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and his actions in relation to Ukraine. Berman had already indicted two former New York mayor employees.

And it’s been months since Giuliani was seen at the White House – though only 12 days since Attorney General Bill Barr first announced Berman was “stepping down” and only ten days since Trump fired him and forced his resignation.

Giuliani, himself once a US attorney for the New York South District, was very talkative when he spoke to reporters from the White House lawn outside a building he doesn’t work in and over which he has no authority. In fact, Giuliani has not been elected to public office for over two decades since 1997.

It is not known why he was there.

However, he managed to put on a show.

The 76-year-old former mayor called the Black Lives Matter movement a “Marxist organization” and claimed it had “planned to destroy the police for three years”.

There is no evidence of this.

“They finally got stupid Democratic mayors to approve,” he added.

Rudy Giuliani: “Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization – Black Lives Matter has been planning to destroy the police for 3 years and they have finally got stupid democratic mayors to agree to them.”

– Breaking911 (@ Breaking911) July 1, 2020

“Right now, the murder rate among the regressive Democratic mayor, typical of Democratic mayors across the country, is up 58 percent,” claimed Giuliani. (NCRM did not verify this claim.)

“You are a disaster. They are a danger to their people, “the former NYC mayor told reporters. What he failed to say is that the murders in NYC have decreased dramatically since his tenure as mayor, but are not as bad as they were when he was mayor.

He also slammed the currently unknown person who passed information to the New York Times on which the newspaper relied that Russia is paying the Taliban to kill US soldiers. He counted on his fingers and called the leaker “a kind of criminal in the federal government” and a “deep state criminal”.

Giuliani claimed the leaked information was “actionable information” despite the Trump administration claiming the president was not informed because it was not. It is also unclear how or why Giuliani, who is not an employee of the federal government, would know anything about the intelligence services – which, according to the Trump White House, is a “joke” and does not exist.

“I can’t think of a worse crime,” said Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney. “It’s not treason, but it comes close.”

In the White House driveway, Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani calls the person who leaked the NY Times the Russian bounty story a “criminal” and a “deep state criminal”.

– The American Independent (@AmerIndependent) July 1, 2020