Trump Targets Georgia Secretary of State by Backing Far Proper Wing Congressman in Election Bid to Oust Him

President Donald Trump swore revenge for those who refused to support the “big lie” he won in re-election and which is one of his first targets Brad Raffensperger. The Georgia Republican Secretary of State stood by his guns and the law, refusing to be intimidated by Trump and his servants and to discard the 2020 election results.

Trump has found a candidate for the primary packer: a pastor and far-right Republican US Congressman from Georgia, Jody, I did that, who is one of 147 Republicans who voted to reject the election results.

Hice won the 2014 election in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District by making outrageous anti-LGBTQ claims such as saying that gay people have a secret conspiracy to seduce and sodomize America’s sons and calling a same-sex marriage that resembles bestiality and incest. He also compared abortion to Adolph Hitler’s genocide.

Hice has toned down anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in public, but he’s tied to the anti-LGBTQ hate group Family Research Council, and his positions overall are still just as extreme.

. @ CongressmanHice expresses concern about the Law against the Constitution HR 1.


– Family Research Council (@FRCdc) March 12, 2021

Trump endorses Hice for Secretary of State.

“In contrast to the current Georgian foreign minister, Jody leads forward with integrity,” said Trump, as CNN reported. “I have 100% trust that Jody will fight for free, fair, and safe elections in Georgia under our beloved US Constitution. Jody will stop the scam and bring honesty into our elections! “

Before Trump officially endorsed Hice Monday, Politico reported that Hice “said that Trump” supported “his potential candidacy.”

“Trump was fixated on Georgia when he made his plans for mid-term 2022,” Politico reported. “The former president has tried to recruit a major antagonist to GOP Governor Brian Kemp, whom Trump has accused of doing too little to interfere with the state’s vote. He has also publicly encouraged the former NFL to run Herschel Walker back for a Senate bid. “

CNN noted in December that “Hice mistakenly said on Fox News radio that” there have been so many credible fraud allegations, “describing Raffensperger’s job performance as” nothing shy of the embarrassing and downright wrong. “

“I’m telling you the Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger has to be among the worst in the nation,” Hice said.


Anti-gay pastor and likely GOP congressman quotes gay icon, pretending Thomas Jefferson said it

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