Trump Has Given Interviews for 17 Books – However Bans Two Reporters Whose Bombshells Revealed the Worst About Him

President Donald Trump reportedly prepared for Davos on Monday but spent an exceptional amount of time tweeting. It had to happen: He made Martin Luther King Day over himself.

Although King’s actual birthday is January 15th, the federal holiday falls on the third Monday in January of each year, which happens to be January 20th this year, when America’s presidents are sworn in every four years.

Trump couldn’t resist.

“Today, exactly three years ago, on January 20, 2017, I was sworn in,” he tweeted. “So fitting that today is also MLK jr DAY. African American unemployment is by far the LOWEST in our country’s history. Plus the best ever numbers on poverty, youth and employment. Large!”

Note that Trump not only made the day for himself but also made his inauguration more important than the birth of Dr. Honor King.

Earlier in the day, President Kellyanne Conway’s senior counselor linked Trump’s impeachment to the injustices that Dr. King fought.

We’re not going to question Trump’s economic claims, but many took a moment to question how insulting it is to equate yourself with the American civil rights icon.

And of course Trump makes MLK Day about himself.

– Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) January 20, 2020

Remember when you and your Klansman dad were fined by the federal government in 1973 for refusing to let your shitty apartments to black people? good times, right? What did you say about Martin Luther King now, my buddy?

– Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) January 20, 2020

You have to laugh when Donald Trump plays a game of employment statistics for the Blacks and Hispanics. President Obama has cut black unemployment from 17% to 7% and Hispanic unemployment from 13% to 5%, but Donald Trump is trying to fool everyone and take out credit

– ️🇺🇸 Christopher Zullo (@ChrisJZullo) January 20, 2020

“How can I make MLK Jr. Day about myself, a racist white man? I HAVE IT “

– Wesley Moncrief (@wrmoncrief) January 20, 2020

Only Trump could make MLK day all around him.


– Angela Belcamino (@AngelaBelcamino) January 20, 2020

Her initiation amount was * tiny * compared to Obama’s. #MLKTag

– Adrian Wapcaplet (@AdrianWapcapIet) January 20, 2020

Alexa, show me an example of narcissism:

– Jim (@JimmyHumps) January 20, 2020

A story of two presidents.

– Morten Øverbye (@morten) January 20, 2020

A Florida man remembers the civil rights leader’s life about himself. Https://

– x – Michael Welchans (@mwelchanshfa) January 20, 2020

Extremely inappropriate, even by the standards of this moron

– Carl Ritter (@CarlWRitter) January 20, 2020

“Today is also MLK day”

– Francesco Fontemaggi (@ffontemaggi) January 20, 2020

The racist obstetrician who lost the referendum couldn’t help it today.

– Matt Murphy (@ MattMurph24) January 20, 2020