Ted Cruz and Steve Mnuchin Probed by Particular Inspector Normal for Pandemic Restoration: Report

The actions taken by Republicans in the final days of the Trump administration are currently under investigation by Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery Brian Miller, Bloomberg News reported on Monday.

“A federal guard is investigating former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s decision to withdraw the Federal Reserve’s emergency loan programs in late 2020, an issue that has become a point of partisan tension in Congress. The Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery is also examining the role of Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz in persuading the central bank to expand the admission rules for the Main Street Lending Program to make it easier for oil and gas companies to apply for low-interest loans, ” Reported Bloomberg.

The existence of the investigations was disclosed in the quarterly report of the Special Inspector General.

“The investigation, led by Brian Miller, the Inspector General in charge of overseeing the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve’s response to the pandemic, may shed more light on Mnuchin’s decision and legal basis for running the programs that Democrats said were politically motivated.” Bloomberg reported. “The probes are some of the biggest moves yet for Miller, a Trump appointee who has said he has had difficulty starting his oversight work since he left the Senate in June due to technical challenges and the time required for the Hiring experienced staff is required has been confirmed. “

Read the full report.

The post Ted Cruz and Steve Mnuchin, investigated by the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery: The report first appeared in the New Civil Rights Movement.