At least 151 Texans died over the winter when 4.5 million households and businesses went without power due to massive failures caused by poor planning, lack of regulation, and sheer greed.
Texas Republicans last week Governor…
Connecticut's Paid Family and Sick Leave Insurance Agency, which oversees the Paid Family and Sick Leave program, tabled a draft budget that includes a 3 percent increase for all employees from 2022, which is estimated to cost nearly $…
Ein Arzt, der von der Bundesbehörde für Arbeitnehmerentschädigung Comcare und ihren Lizenznehmern zur Untersuchung von Antragstellern eingesetzt wird, wurde nie offiziell untersucht, obwohl seit 2000 66 Beschwerden bei der Health Care…
HARTFORD, CT - The 15-member Board of Directors of the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Authority on Friday set an ambitious timeline for setting up an executive search committee, hiring an executive search firm, and hiring an…
More than 100 national civil rights organizations have signed a letter to Congress expressing concerns about the extension of legal powers related to domestic terrorism.The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights on Tuesday sent the…
Biden told a group of seven civil rights group leaders that some progressive Democrats are calling for executive action "well beyond the limits" of a president's legal authority. The comments reflect what Biden has said publicly about the…