Staff Compensation Lawyer Denver – Burg Simpson Colorado
If you’ve been injured at work, you need to ask yourself:
Are you sure you are getting the appropriate medical services?
Does the insurance company really look after your wellbeing?
Do you have any idea what’s going to happen now?
What are the next steps? How does the system work?
By running your case without the help of a. to edit Workers Compensation Insurance Lawyer in Denver, you may be risking everything. If you’ve been injured in your work, don’t be afraid to ask for help. In a matter of seconds you can get our FREE case assessment form. A conversation with our experienced lawyers costs you nothing and can save you everything.
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Workers’ compensation is a social safety net that states put in place decades ago to protect both employers and employees if someone is injured at work. In most cases, Colorado workers are eligible for employee compensation after being injured in an industrial accident. But there is a long and winding road between this first claim and receiving full benefits. A Simpson castle Denver Labor law attorney has the experience and focus to navigate this path.
Thousands of people are injured at work each year, most from overexertion or falls. If you get injured at work, it is important that you see a Colorado work injury insurance attorney and not process your claim yourself. So that we can answer your questions, please call us directly at 720-400-8558 to see how we can give you the support and advice you deserve.
There are several factors that must be considered by any Denver job attorney when evaluating a case. Types of reimbursable damages include economic, non-economic and sometimes even criminal damages. The only way to be fair and honest about your case is to discuss it with you in detail and apply the relevant laws to ensure its full benefit.
It’s also important to know that you don’t have to pay us anything upfront if we take your case on. We only get paid if you do. Contact a Work injury lawyer in Denver at 720-400-8558.
At Simpson Castle, we help the injured Union members throughout the state of Colorado.
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Common misconceptions about employee compensation
It sounds simple, but employee compensation is deceptively complex. Every day in Colorado someone is injured at work and unknowingly puts their rights at risk. We have compiled a short list of the most critical errors:
- You do not need to report the violation. Yes, you do. In writing, within four days of the injury.
- You don’t have to tell your doctor (or employer) everything. You should report any injury and any subsequent symptom resulting from the accident.
- You don’t have to see an authorized doctor from your employer. Only when it’s an emergency. Otherwise, you will have to go to your employer’s doctor.
- If you are advised, you will need to undergo treatment and / or surgery. Not at all. You have the right to ask questions, get second opinions and even refuse an operation without risking your claim.
- You have to pay for everything the authorized healthcare provider tells you. Not true. It is inappropriate to bill you for medical treatment.
This is just the beginning. Employee compensation laws are complex. It is absolutely essential that you a. speak Denver, CO Employee Compensation Insurance attorney with relevant experience and an emphasis on workers’ compensation laws that can help you identify your best practices while protecting your rights.
No matter what someone says, your employer’s insurance company is responsible for “paying all approved, reasonable, necessary, and related medical expenses resulting from your injury”. This can include all examinations, surgeries, therapies, follow-up care, and hospital stays, among other things.
If you need immediate medical attention because of your injury, don’t wait. Go to the nearest hospital, emergency center, or emergency room. If it’s an emergency, it doesn’t matter if it’s an authorized provider. If it is not an emergency, you will be held financially liable. If you are not satisfied with your original medical care, you can negotiate for another provider and a second opinion. However, you must discuss this with your lawyer within 90 days. Visit your Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys at Simpson Castle for help by getting one Free advice Form to discuss your case for free!
If you are unable to work, you may be able to claim temporary disability which includes Temporary Total Disability (TTD) and Temporary Partial Disability. Temporary incapacity benefits are the lost wages that you receive until you reach the Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) due to your injury or illness at work. TTD payments start after you’ve missed three calendar days or three shifts. Your general practitioner must also document your inability to work or any restrictions on your ability to work in writing. MMI is achieved when your doctor determines that the injury is stable and no further treatment is needed.
In Colorado, total temporary disability benefits are calculated at two-thirds of your average gross weekly wage, which is averaged by taking into account previous wages over a period of time. This wage can include overtime, premiums, and the value of health insurance benefits paid by the employer. Finally, sick days and vacation days may be included in your temporary disability payments, but they cannot be used as substitutes.
All too often, accidents at work are the result of the negligence of others. If that person is not a person associated with your employer, a third party lawsuit may be a possible option for you to obtain additional compensation for your injuries so that you can cover medical and other expenses . These lawsuits can be filed in addition to your employee compensation claim.
If you are injured in an industrial accident from the actions of an irresponsible third party, call a Denver Labor law attorney today. Colorado workers’ compensation law is extremely complicated, so do not try to process your claim on your own. You run the risk of making a mistake and risking your compensation. Contact Simpson Castle today at 720-400-8558 or fill out our FREE CASE EVALUATION right now.
Yes. If you are injured at work in Colorado and your injury is the result of the actions of your employer or an employee, you are entitled to workers’ compensation. In exchange for this benefit, however, Colorado law prohibits you from suing any of them for negligence. However, you can sue the responsible third party who is not connected to your place of work and at the same time claim benefits from employee compensation.
For example, if you are a van driver and injured when another driver rams into your truck when it is red, you can collect workers ‘compensation benefits from your employer while pursuing the negligent driver with a third party claim for damages that are not covered by the workers’ compensation.
Note that your employer’s employee compensation insurance is entitled to a portion of the money collected from the negligent driver based on the benefits he has already paid for you. This process is known as subrogation. That’s why you need one Labor law attorney in Denver to help you through the process.
Independent contractors usually have to take out their own workers’ compensation insurance. However, signing an independent contractor agreement does not necessarily prove that you are an independent contractor or that you have waived your right to prove that you are an employee.
Under the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act, unless you are:
- Free of control and instructions in the provision of services.
- Usually engaged in an independent trade, profession, occupation or business related to the service being provided.
To determine if you are “free of control or direction” you need to ask yourself:
- Does someone tell you when or how to do your job?
- Does someone else provide the tools or equipment to do your job?
Finally, in some cases, you can sue a property owner or tenant if you are injured while working on their property. You can also sue a device manufacturer if you have been injured by their defective devices.
There are dozens of other rules, restrictions, and rights related to employee compensation in Colorado. To understand that, we have a comprehensive one FAQ HERE here to answer any questions. But it’s not the same as talking to one of our veteran workers’ compensation attorneys in Colorado.
If you are injured at work, the most important thing to do is to see a doctor right away. The clock of your claim starts ticking as soon as you are injured, so report it immediately. Do not endanger your health, job, finances, or the well-being of your family.
Fill in a. out FREE case assessment Form today or give us a call before it’s too late to resolve your situation with a. to discuss Workers Compensation Insurance Lawyer in Denver!
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