Pence to Blow Off Trump’s Large Army Sendoff – and Cites ‘Logistical Challenges’ as Purpose: Report

President Donald Trump wants to have a grand farewell to supporters and allies at Andrews Air Force Base Wednesday morning – but Vice President Mike Pence will reportedly be absent.

According to Josh Dawsey, a Washington Post reporter, Pence is not expected to attend Trump’s departure because it would be “logistically challenging” for him to attend Trump’s departure and the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Trump’s relationship with Pence has deteriorated after the president falsely told supporters that Pence had the power to unilaterally remove the results of the 2020 presidential election from his position as President of the Senate.

When Pence refused to remove the electoral college vote, Trump accused him of lack of courage, and the President’s supporters began to sing, “Hang Mike Pence!” when they stormed the United States Capitol.

Pence had long been one of Trump’s most loyal and dedicated political allies, although that apparently changed after the Secret Service had to get him to safety to avoid bets from being attacked by an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

The contribution Pence to call off Trump’s grand military farewell – and cites “logistical challenges” as the reason: The report first appeared in the New Civil Rights Movement.