NJ Division on Civil Rights Hosts “Stand Up Towards Hate” Marketing campaign Contest — TrentonDaily

The New Jersey Civil Rights Division (DCR) is running a Stand Up Against Hate competition for young people across the state.

According to the description rules, the competition is designed to encourage students aged 25 and under to “create and submit slogans, artwork, and videos that raise awareness of the need to counter the recent surge in bias incidents and inspire young people across the state to stand up, to hate in their communities. “

The contest, which began November 30, 2020 and lasted through February 15, 2021, came about when the New Jersey Interagency Task Force on Combating Youth Bias (YBTF) published a report recommending that the state “create a Public Campaign Launches To Take Strong Attitude Hate Has No Place in New Jersey “by allowing students to create various art forms” to withstand hate and prejudice in New Jersey. “

Contest winners will be named #NJCivilRights Ambassadors and will receive certificates from the Attorney General’s Office. You will be featured in a multimedia campaign by the Civil Rights Department, determined by the Department at its own discretion, and given the opportunity to work with DCR as peer mentoring to other students. In addition, winners will have the opportunity to attend a roundtable event where they can share their experiences with hatred and bias and share their ideas on how the government can improve communication with young people.

To enter the competition, as previously mentioned, students can submit either a slogan or hashtag, graphic design, and / or a 10-60 second video. For slogan or hashtag submissions, the original phrase must be a maximum of six words and convey an encouraging statement to peers about standing up against hatred. Only one slogan will be selected as a winner in this category.

For artwork and design submission, entrants can submit an original drawing, painting, or digital artwork highlighting the theme of hatred for the competition. In this category “a work of art is selected in each of the four age groups: elementary level (grades from k to 5); Middle (grades 6-8); High school (grades 9-12); and young adults (18-25 years old not currently enrolled in high school) ”as specified in the competition rules.

Video deliveries can be made individually or in groups and must last between 10 and 60 seconds. These posts must also follow the stand-up to hate theme and be submitted in a format suitable for sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The DCR offers some suggestions for video content such as short stories, poems, spoken word, songs, dances or drama. However, video deliveries are not limited to these options. For video submissions, winners were selected in categories similar to those in the Graphics and Design category.

All competition entries should be submitted online at https://www.nj.gov/oag/dcr/ybtf-studentcompetition/index.html or delivered by post or inbox to 140 E. Front St., 6. Fl. P.O. Box 090, Trenton, NJ 08625, Attn: Community Relations.

The winners will be announced in April 2021. To find out more about the New Jersey Division’s Stand Up Against Hate competition and how to get involved, click HERE.