Newsmax Host Freaks Out Over Fortunate Charms ‘Homosexual Leprechaun’ and Kellog’s ‘Forcing Children to Be Confused About Their Gender’
Caitlyn JennerFox News’ interview on “Hannity” was so damaging it was for her comments on transgender girls in sports, “forest management,” recognition for California Governor Gavin Newsom’s easing of COVID restrictions, and for the allegation That there would be absolutely nothing to be decimated President Joe, Biden has done for American workers.
The one segment of her interview with host Sean Hannity that gets the most attention is her comments on people in California who are homeless.
For those who haven’t heard, Jenner is running as a Republican to oust Governor Newsom, a Democrat, in the California recall election later this year.
She made a lot of missteps, but the remarks on Wednesday night were the worst yet.
This is how she described the problem of homelessness among Californians after 15 months of a global pandemic that hit the people of the Golden State particularly hard.
“My friends are leaving California,” she said to Hannity. “Do you actually know what? [at] My hangar, the guy on the other side, packed up his hangar and I said, “Where are you going?” And he says, “I’m moving to Sedona, Arizona, I can’t take it anymore. I can’t walk the streets and see the homeless. ‘”
“I don’t want to go,” added Jenner. “Either I’ll stay and fight or I’ll get out of here.”
Caitlyn Jenner to Hannity: “My friends are leaving California. My hangar, the guy on the other side, he packed up his hangar and I said where are you going? And he says, “I’m moving to Sedona, Arizona, I can’t take it anymore. I can’t walk the streets and see the homeless. “
– Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 6, 2021
What Jenner is saying is that she wants to fight people who are homeless. She’s not saying that she wants to improve the lives of all people in California, including those who suffer from homelessness. She doesn’t say she has a way to get more people, more jobs, to improve the California economy so everyone has a well-paying job, and people who don’t have a home or job can be fed or returned to work with it They can take care of themselves and their families.
No, Jenner will fight people who are homeless and if she can’t get rid of them she will give up and “get out of here”.
Because that’s leadership?
This is how people react:
All my friends are packing up their personal airplane hangers and moving because they need to see the poor!
– Joe Kassabian (@ jkass99) May 6, 2021
You don’t like the homeless, so pack up your $ 10 million hangar and fly your private plane to another state.
Me and my rich friends hate poor people … what a platform.
– Travis Akers (@travisakers) May 6, 2021
Viewing homelessness as an inconvenience rather than focusing on means to actually help them out of their situation is such elitist bullshit
– Dylan Haines (@ DHaines1) May 6, 2021
I love packing my aircraft hangar because other people are affected by poverty.
– Nathalie Baptiste (@nhbaptiste) May 6, 2021
When you lost the crowd of private aircraft owners …
– Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) May 6, 2021
My hangar!
– Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) May 6, 2021
Conversations with your neighbors in the airline’s hangar are very relevant to the average voter
– Ken Tremendous (@ KenTremendous) May 6, 2021
Exactly, Caitlyn. Private jet owners are the victims. Because they are exposed to the ghost of homelessness through the tinted windows of their limousines. You are a great humanitarian worker.
– Bradley Whitford (@BradleyWhitford) May 6, 2021
Obviously she is a natural politician with razor-sharp instincts for dealing with the people
– Paul Waldman (@ paulwaldman1) May 6, 2021
The candidate “We are now the party of the working class” has thoughts
– Lee (@pommylee) May 6, 2021
Caitlyn is betting big on the airplane, which is demographic.
– SA Vance (@GothicNeo) May 6, 2021