Michigan administers its first vaccine, civil rights group sues prisons, bullets from Warren arrest hit residence

An extraordinary feat came on Monday when the country began giving vaccines to its key workers. In Michigan, Dr. Marc McClelland of Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids delivered the state’s first dose of COVID-19 vaccine at 12:04 p.m.

It will be some time before non-essential workers receive the COVID-19 vaccine. It is estimated that many people will need to be vaccinated in spring 2021. Dr. Joneigh Khaldun hopes 70% of adults will be vaccinated by the end of next year.

It will take an unprecedented effort to achieve this. There are several links in the supply chain that need to stay in sync. Production of the vaccine needs to continue and even increase as more companies work to get their treatments approved. And then there’s the public willingness to take two doses of the vaccine against a virus that wasn’t a common household phrase 10 months ago.

Wayne County is considered a vaccine hub due to its freezing capacity

The Wayne County Health Department will receive 2,000 vaccines this weekend and intends to deliver 100 doses per day. Due to the large storage capacity of its freezers, the county could handle much of the vaccine treatments in the area in the coming months.

All of this combined action through to the largest rollout of vaccine distribution in the country’s history. Several hospitals have already been selected to give the vaccine. Many in Wayne County are capable of holding thousands of cans.

“We expect a vaccination capacity of a hundred doses per day,” said Dr. Mouhammed Hammani of the Wayne County Department of Health. “We are also very aware that this vaccine can have some nasty side effects. We don’t want to vaccinate everyone from a single entity at the same time if they have a low temperature or are tired.”

It has been reported that some people experience allergies after vaccination. However, experts say it’s a rare side effect.

In the first phase of distribution, Michigan is expected to have approximately 83,000 doses of the vaccine. The second phase is expected to begin in spring.

“Phase two becomes everyone else. Anyone not included in phase one-A will be included in phase two,” said Hammani. “We expect more vaccines and we expect that this is where the mass vaccination and provider efforts will take place.”

COVID-19 vaccines are being discontinued

COVID-19 vaccines are being discontinued

Civil rights group suing Michigan prisons over ID policy

A mug shot showing three Muslim women without their hijabs sparked a firestorm after a civil rights group sued the state prison system about the policy that forced women to remove their headscarves.

More than 15 Muslim and Moorish scholars imprisoned have come forward that they have been hired to take off the clothes in order to post photos. They can be seen not only on their jail IDs, but also on the Michigan Department of Justice website.

“It is embarrassing that it is humiliating and degrading to Muslim women,” said Amy Doukore, an attorney who represents the women. “Removing the hijab for a Muslim woman is tantamount to having a non-Muslim woman walking around topless or shirtless in front of men and then posting her on a website.”

Lawsuit against the state prison system because of mug shots of convicts without a Muslim headscarf

Out of respect for the women, FOX 2 has blurred some of the images that appear on the website’s culprit search, which has now sparked a federal class action lawsuit against the MDOC.

The American and Islamic Relations Council says the policies of the prison at the Huron Valley Women’s Correctional Facility in Pittsfield Township are largely inconsistent.

In the past, the group said it worked with the Michigan Department of Justice to update the policy. After failing this path, the team adopts a more confrontational stance.

MDOC says they are looking into the lawsuit but will not comment on any pending litigation.

Wyatt’s law comes one step closer to reality

A wife and mother of a child who suffered irreparable brain damage from a previously convicted child molester has moved one step closer to the reality of a five-year effort.

Erica Hammel has been working since 2015 to correct the mistakes made to her son Wyatt by legally establishing a registry for child molesters. At the weekend, the Senate passed the bill 37: 1 – it is Hammel’s third attempt to enforce the bill.

“Good legislation takes time – and that is good legislation,” said Hammel.

The Senate’s draft law to create a child abuse register is a step closer

This week, Michigan lawmakers could make a publicly searchable child abuse register a reality – something Wyatt’s Law author Erica Hammel has been working towards for years.

In addition to the scope for approval, the law also received a confirmation and speech from the Senate Chairman.

“You had been convicted of child abuse twice in the past,” said Senator Mike Shirkey (R). “Something Mrs. Hammel would have known because she would have followed her intuition if a law like this had been in force.”

Next on the agenda is the House of Representatives, where Hammel is confident after meeting the speaker.

Erica Hammels son Wyatt suffered brain trauma after being abused by her boyfriend at the time.

“House spokesman Lee Chatfield, we actually met with him in 2019,” she said. “I think we have a leg up because he already heard our story.”

The suggested list includes the name, date of birth, city and county of an offender. All of this information is already public, but this makes it easier to find.

Bullets hit mobile homes after Warren police shot

Residents of the Madison Oaks Community in Madison Heights say they may have had it during a police incident last week when Warren officers shot a burglar suspect at a motel some near misses with it.

“It went through here and it went all the way through my living room,” said Amanda Freeland. “And it came out from under my Christmas tree on the other side of my living room.”

“I woke up to like, scream, and scream.”

Freeland says if her boyfriend had been home at the time, he would have been sitting on the path of the bullet.

“If it had been a little further down, it would have hit my daughters’ room,” Freeland said. “It would have hit her bed.”

Mobile home park residents say Warren police bullets hit their homes

When Warren Police shot a burglar suspect in a motel last week, they may also have hit at least two mobile homes in the Madison Oaks Community.

The original incident happened last Thursday morning when police were chasing a burglar to the Knights Inn Motel after watching him steal a safe. When they tried to arrest him, the suspect tried to run the police over in his car.

Freeland has contacted an attorney and former police chief who says the likely outcome would be a legal complaint settlement and compensation for the property damage.

Michigan’s voters cast ballots for Biden, Harris

The certified win of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Michigan overcame one final hurdle in the state that had to be finalized. On Monday, 16 state-appointed voters cast off Michigan’s electoral college votes.

Under normal circumstances, the usual tradition receives little fanfare. However, as many of the state’s voters were not yet convinced of the integrity of the 2020 elections, yesterday’s vote was dramatic. The day started with a state capital closed due to “credible threats of violence” and a legislature that doesn’t promise people won’t get hurt that day.

Voices from Biden and Harris of Michigan Electoral College

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said people spoke.

In the end, however, all uncertainty was cleared when Lavora Barnes, chairwoman of the Michigan Democratic Party, announced the 16 votes from Biden and Harris.

“Our American democracy was built on the principle of majority rule,” said Whitmer. “Michigan has chosen a clear winner for the office of President of the United States and for every office elected up and down.”

“The people spoke.”

Other stories

1. On Monday, a judge approved a forensic examination of elective equipment in a northern Michigan county. The conclusion of the report is highly controversial by state officials.
2. It has been almost a week since a mother was shot, her house burned down, and her son was badly burned inside. Family and friends held a vigil for the deceased and prayed for her son’s recovery.
3. The police are working increasingly as a means of restoring mental health among their suspects. A new partnership with the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network aims to ease the burden.
4. The construction of a new food cold store building in Romulus shows this not every city suffers during the pandemic.
5. The UAW and the Department of Justice have reached an agreement after years of investigating corruption and bribery in the union.

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Daily forecast

More of that forecast for Tuesday, with temperatures fluctuating for most of the day in the 20s. Some snow could arrive on Wednesday.

Cold overnight

Rich Luterman has the forecast.

Attorney General Bill Barr is due to leave the White House shortly before Christmas, Trump announced

President Donald Trump announced on Monday that Attorney General William Barr will leave the White House before Christmas.

“I just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House. Our relationship was very good, he did an excellent job! “Trump wrote on Twitter.

In an attorney general’s letter sent by Trump on Twitter, Barr wrote, “I am honored that you have asked me to serve your administration and the American people.”

Trump added that Assistant Attorney General Jeff Rosen will replace Barr as acting attorney general.

Barr said in his resignation letter that he informed Trump Monday of “the division’s review of allegations of election fraud in the 2020 election and how those allegations will continue to be pursued”. He added that his last day of work would be December 23rd.