Marjorie Taylor Greene Dragged for Calling Biden ‘A Socialist’
US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene steered away from the Holocaust, at least so far this week, but out of nowhere and for no apparent reason she attacked “socialist” President Joe Biden on Tuesday night.
She was not doing well.
President Biden is not a socialist by any definition.
Indeed, just for the Georgia Republican Congressman to be clear, socialism in general, as Merriam-Webster notes, requires “collective or state ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods.”
Aside from the coronavirus vaccine – and these aspects were set by Republican President Donald Trump – nothing comes closer.
If it really wants to expand, Merriam-Webster offers this: “a stage of society in Marxist theory in the transition between capitalism and communism and characterized by unequal distribution of goods and pay for work done.”
Literally what President Biden is fighting: massive wage inequality.
Here’s what Rep. Greene said:
Joe Biden is a socialist.
The voter is not yet fully aware of this.
The Democrats are socialists, but they are all a little different in different degrees.
They think it’s good for society as a whole, but it’s a fantasy and all of Marxism.
Socialism is always socialism.
– Marjorie Taylor Greene (@mtgreenee) June 2, 2021
She was mocked all around.
Perhaps the most appropriate answer came from Benjamin Dreyer, a writer and editor, the copy chief at Random House, and the author of Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style.
Well, those are certainly words.
– Benjamin Dreyer (@BCDreyer) June 2, 2021
An excerpt from some of the others:
She can’t even spell socialism without a spell checker.
– Red 💉💉 (@ Redpainter1) June 2, 2021
You sound like a fascist AI bot programmed by fascists to say socialist as often as possible to cover the rising fascism of fascists who support fascists and want fascism – and I think there’s a reason for that.
– Luke Zaleski (@ZaleskiLuke) June 2, 2021
You couldn’t explain what socialism or marxism is if you opened a book with the definition.
– JRehling (@JRehling) June 2, 2021
Ignorance is always ignorance.
– Singh, MD (@labyrinthweaver) June 2, 2021
Joe Biden is a socialist? If so, I am Elvis Presley.
Socialism is good too. Do you know what’s bad They are calling for fascism and the continued corporocracy that is ruining the US.
– Left Jibaro 🇵🇷 ☭ (@prjibaromarx) June 2, 2021
MTG is a cray-cray
GOP voters don’t quite know yet.
The GOP are anti-democratic, but they are all different in different degrees.
They think it’s good for society as a whole, but it’s a fantasy and it’s all very crazy.
Crazy is always crazy.
– Yeah! Philly (@Jadair) June 2, 2021
Anyone can call themselves a socialist. Like any economic system, socialism can be used for good or for evil. It means that the state controls the main industries. Biden is definitely NOT a socialist fool.
– Veronica (@VeronicaTellsIt) May 29, 2021
Oh yes, if you want to scare a bunch of gullible right-wingers, always drop the word “socialism”.
Then bring it home using the word “Marxism”.
Note that Marjorie will never actually tell you which Biden policies are socialist.
– Dennis Ex Machina (@DennisExMachina) June 2, 2021
Life in Norway (a social democracy) is fantastic, great individual freedom, great educational system, childcare, care for the elderly, health care, welfare, opportunities for a perfect work-life balance and opportunities for everyone. Biden is good, but by no means a socialist.
– Yvonne Haugen (@yvonnehaugen) June 2, 2021
Again with the trigger words to spread Russian idioms.
Only idiots would consider Joe Biden a “socialist”.
– Chui Bluengold (@Chuibluengold) June 2, 2021
President Biden is not a socialist. He has served his country for more than 35 years. What the hell have you done besides spreading lies and conspiracies? What are you doing for the good of this country? You can’t even keep a committee post.
– Cindy🗽 (@cynthia_wirtz) June 2, 2021
Dear Marge,
Pres. Biden is not a socialist. I wish it was, but it isn’t.
I AM a socialist, I was fortunate enough to live in beautiful Norway. Marge, I’m such a socialist that I would prefer everyone had a home, health care, free education, food, educated leaders, and no guns.
– cam_colton (@cc_colton_novel) June 2, 2021