Liberals ‘By no means Understood How Humorous’ Rush Limbaugh Was

“Wildly entertaining”

Rich Lowry, editor of the right-wing National Review website, believes liberals should take another look at Rush Limbaugh before judging his life after the 70-year-old hate delivery man dies.

Lowry, a frequent guest on NBC Meet ‘Meet the Press,’ wrote The Case for Nationalism in 2019: How It Made Us Mighty, United, and Free. The book was shot by knowledgeable critics. A Washington Post review said it called on Republicans to embrace Trump’s worldview and “thoughtfully integrate his nationalism into the party’s orthodoxy.” Donald Trump has been labeled a racist by some, a supporter of white nationalism by some, and a white supremacist by others.

Rush Limbaugh too.

But for Lowry, Limbaugh deserves to be seen in its entirety, so racism, white nationalism, and white supremacism seem to lie between laugh lines. Along with frequent servings of misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia and other hateful beliefs.

Related: Far right hate and grievance supplier Rush Limbaugh, who spent decades attacking much of America, dead at 70

“Liberals who didn’t listen to Rush and just read the Media Matters reports never understood how * funny * he was,” Lowry tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “What set him apart from his many imitators was his wild conversation and the absolutely unbreakable bond he had forged with his listeners.”

His remarks were not well received.

Here comes the “Hitler was a pretty good painter” and “Gotti threw a big party on July 4th”.

– The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) February 17, 2021

Oh sure Nothing like a shipload of racism, bigotry and hatred delivered in a “wildly entertaining” way. 🙄

– Barbara Morrill (@BarbinMD) February 17, 2021

Do you remember when he told the black caller to take the bone out of his nose or when he created the sketch “Barack the Magic Negro”? Pretty funny stuff.

For racists.

– ((((RuggedAmethyst))) (@GrooveSDC) February 17, 2021

Sure, it was funny when he gleefully revealed the names of people who had died of AIDS. That was a bloody riot of laughter.

– Amy Vernon @ (@AmyVernon) February 17, 2021

Rich Lowry has a nerve that describes Limbaugh as “funny” and “generous” when Limbaugh lived on occasional misogyny and proud ignorance of women.

– Your Snitty Valentine (@clofwhoville) February 17, 2021

I’ve listened to Rush Limbaugh for years without a break. He taught me that someone had to be cruel to be funny. So I let cruelty go into my life as “just a joke” for years.

He was a monstrous person.

– Mary Michael (@MsMaryMichael) February 17, 2021

Comedy fan here. Can you explain the joke in which he would laugh at gay people who died of AIDS?

– Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) February 17, 2021

If you’re thinking of calling Obama a “half-African American”, that’s funny

– Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert), February 17, 2021

Ha ha haa… do you remember that segment of the zoo crew where he mocked dead AIDS victims every day to enjoy mouth-breathing bastards everywhere? I’m sure damn it.

– Dennis Perkins (@ DennisPerkins5) February 17, 2021

Conservative white guys who listened to Rush and never literally listened to another person never understood how toxic and harmful his rhetoric was to all those people who are not conservative white guys.

– Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) February 17, 2021

My first experience with Rush in the 80s was listening to his “AIDS Update,” calling people who had died of AIDS and celebrating with a few whistles and bells.

I didn’t think it was as fun as Rich seems to be.

– Beta Ray Ben (@ScienceOfficerB) February 17, 2021

I listened to him from time to time. Limbaugh spat out hatred, lies, and division every day and started the fire that finally went up in flames on January 6th – and you think he was “entertaining”?

I think a bloody riot is your idea of ​​a good time.

– Michael Taylor (@hollywoodjuicer) February 17, 2021

OMG There was nothing funny about him calling Nancy Pelosi a terrorist or calling women “Feminazis”.

Just stop disinfecting the man who taught America to hate.

– Karoli @ (@Karoli) February 17, 2021

Oh yeah, who can forget classic Limbaugh jokes like “Barack the Magic Negro” and Mooochele?

– Max Berger (@maxberger), February 17, 2021