In Biden administration reversing Trump’s anti-worker provisions, there are classes for India
The other was Trump’s plan to reinstate a federal rule to make more workers “independent contractors” by favoring bosses’ declarations that they were. Unlike “workers” under labor law, “independent contractors” cannot organize and have to pay their and the company’s share of wage taxes for Social Security and Medicare. You cannot receive unemployment benefit or employee benefits. They are also not covered by the minimum wage and overtime wage laws. They are “independent,” said Trump, because they are their own bosses.
Except that the workers really aren’t. In the real world of building contractors, port truckers, associate professors, franchise restaurants, and the gig economy, real bosses control practically everything the worker does, from the uniforms she wears to his hours behind the wheel of the tractor-trailer. Biden’s DOL, especially the wages and hours department, recognized this.
“The department has the task of protecting and respecting the rights of employees. The repeal of these rules would strengthen the protection of workers, including the essential frontline workers who have done so much in these challenging times, “Jessica Looman, the current chief officer, said in a statement.
“A misclassification of employees as independent contractors denies employees access to critical services and protective measures that the law provides. In addition, the removal of a common employment standard that may be too narrow would protect the wages of more workers and improve their well-being and economic security. “
Biden’s Mine Safety and Health Authority followed OSHA’s lead in planning stronger enforcement of national mines against worker exposure to the coronavirus. United Mine Workers applauds this, but wants strict bans on worker exposure to airborne diseases, such as the virus required by law. This is what National Nurses United and other unions are calling for from OSHA.
MSHA needs to build on these guidelines and quickly issue an enforceable standard that applies to all miners and miners, union members or not. The agency also needs to keep accurate statistics on the incidence of COVID-19 in American mines so a clear picture of the disease can be seen and treated in our workplaces, said Miners’ President Cecil Roberts, using the official name for that Virus. And Roberts makes an important point about Biden’s Executive Orders: “Regulatory standards issued by one administration can be reversed by another.”
This is why it is vital for Congress to pass a non-partisan law, the COVID-19 Mining Protection Act, which sets the standards for this and any future infectious disease epidemic that may be included in the law Republicans are trying to stop the Biden agenda at every step for the good of workers. The Biden administration has started well in delivering on its promises to workers ahead of the elections, but its full implementation will depend on the vigilance of both Democrats to ensure that all professionals get workers laws passed.
(IPA service)
Courtesy People’s World
The views expressed are personal