He is Going to ‘Snatch’ Toddlers to ‘Indoctrinate’ Them in ‘the LGBTQ Curriculum’

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s The Victory Channel aired a special edition of his Victory News program on Wednesday evening, which coincided with President Joe Biden’s speech at a joint congressional session. Former Congressman Michele Bachmann was among the commentators on the agenda, and she was predictably unimpressed by Biden’s speech, which she called “cruel,” called Biden the false president, and said it all came after “the zombie invasion.” -Apocalypse “tasted good. ”

“This is a fake state of the Union speech,” Bachmann said before Biden made his remarks. “What we see is a coup. I am of the opinion that the election was irregular, we did not have a real election result. We made the wrong choice. We had the wrong presidency. This is a fake address for the state of the union. “

“With all due respect, it was the invasion of the zombie apocalypse for me,” said Bachmann after Biden had finished his speech. “It was probably one of the saddest and most depressing speeches I’ve ever heard.”

“In all honesty, the word I have for his speech: It’s cruel,” she added. “What he plans to do for the American people, the result is cruel. … I think one of the cruelest aspects of what he’s suggesting is snatching 3 and 4 year olds out of their parents’ arms and taking them to government-run preschools [where] You will learn critical racial theory. I followed this curriculum. I’ve seen this curriculum they want to use with little 3 and 4 year olds. It’s the LGBTQ curriculum. It is the critical theory of race. Our young children are indoctrinated before they even start kindergarten. “

This article was originally published by Right Wing Watch and is republished here with permission.