Former SC KKK, Nazi landmark being repurposed to honor civil rights ::

– A building once known for hatred is now a symbol of hope for a South Carolina community.

The newly formed Echo Theater was once known as the most infamous white supremacist place in America. It was also a museum for the Klu Klux Klan and the home of the American NSDAP from 2008 to 2012.

The theater in Laurens, about 40 miles east of Greenville, is slated to become a civil rights and racial relations museum.

The building was bought by the New Beginnings Baptist Church and ‘The Echo Project’ is a non-profit group working to rebuild the space.

“If you look at this building now and look at old photos of how it used to be, it had a lot to say,” said architect Michael Allen. “But the company worked with the Echo Project and Reverend K and his team to change the narrative.”

Walmart donated $ 75,000 for the renovation.

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