FDA Approval Of Third Vaccine Dose For Kidney Transplant Sufferers
America’s largest organization of kidney transplant recipients and living organ donors
WASHINGTON, August 13, 2021 / PRNewswire / – “Kidney transplant patients remain at high risk of catastrophic illness and death from COVID-19 because of the lifelong immunosuppressive drugs they must take to stay alive. The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) thanks the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for incorporating the unique findings of American kidney transplant recipients and their caregivers into approving a third dose of vaccine, initial vaccines generated little or no antibodies or protective measures. Hopefully today’s FDA action will help bring these high-risk patients closer to a higher level of protection as we await even greater innovations in vaccines and further protection against COVID-19. We honor the ongoing efforts of all first responders, health professionals, officials and staff at Die Pharmacy American industry is working to protect every American from this deadly disease.
(PRNewsfoto / American Association of Kidney)
For the past eighteen months, kidney transplant patients, like millions of other high-risk immunocompromised patients, have lived in fear of infection, serious illness, and death. We have also witnessed the senseless loss of many of our dearest friends and fellow patients. During this pandemic, either through ignorance or through conscious and reckless disregard for human life, we have also seen the decrease in our legitimate concerns for our own lives, the safety of our families, and the gift of life that courageous organ donors have given us. We respectfully remind elected and appointed leaders and influencers across the country that American ethos has historically been shaped by both robust individualism and deep empathy for the most vulnerable in our society. If, in the midst of this ongoing pandemic, we do not regain our compassion for the most vulnerable and vulnerable, we will have lost an essential part of our national identity and a key virtue that has always elevated America above nations that deny the inherent rights and dignity of every human being.
The story goes on
America will stand up to the challenge of COVID-19 if we stand together as a people, demonstrate our inherent concern for one another as fellow Americans, and demand clarity, accuracy and full transparency from the leaders we place our trust in. “
About the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP): Founded in 1969, the AAKP is the largest kidney patient organization driving policy discussions about patient care choices and treatment innovations for kidney patients. By 1973, the AAKP patient collaborations with the US Congress and the White House helped ensure that all individuals with kidney failure received dialysis insurance, creating the only disease-specific, taxpayer-funded entitlement program in America. This CMS-managed program, the End Stage Renal Disease Program (ESRD), has saved over a million lives. For the past decade, AAKP patients have helped achieve lifelong transplant drug coverage for kidney transplant recipients (2020); new patient-centered guidelines on the White House Executive Order to Promote American Kidney Health (2019); New job protection for organ living under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of the US Department of Labor (2018); and Congressional Legislation Allowing HIV-Positive Organ Transplants for HIV-Positive Patients (2013). The AAKP’s virtual platforms and social networks are internationally known for their effectiveness. Follow AAKP on social media at @kidneypatient on Facebook and @kidneypatients on Twitter and visit our website at https://aakp.org/.
Jennifer Rate Marketing and Communications Manager
[email protected]
(813) 400-2394
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SOURCE American Association of Kidney Patients