Employers Holdings Names Govt Vice President| Staff Compensation Information
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 | 0
Employers Holdings announced the appointment of John Mutschink as Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer.
Mutschink joined Employers in November 2019 as Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Previously, he held a variety of HR roles in technology companies such as Hewlett Packard, Intuit and Maxim Integrated.
He holds a PhD and Masters degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Kansas State University and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University.
“John has made a significant impact on the organization, not just by leading the advancement of our people and talent practice, but also by leading our real estate transformation, improving our communications across the company, and helping the board and me with the CEO succession”, Katherine Antonello, the employer’s CEO, said in a statement.
Based in Reno, Nevada, Employers is a monoline employment company focused on small businesses in low to medium risk industries.