Digital occasion to teach the general public on the civil rights ordinance

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MACON, Georgia (41NBC / WMGT) – The Comprehensive Civil Rights team will host a two-day virtual event April 22-23.

According to team members, the goal of the event is to answer questions. Questions can be asked before and after each session.

You will have different speakers at each meeting.

Sessions with the following topics:
  • Legal issues related to a non-discrimination regulation
  • What does a civil rights ordinance mean for people of color?
  • How will a non-discrimination regulation affect my company?
  • A Belief Perspective on Civil Rights

A mini-grant from the Community Foundation on the table and sponsorship with various organizations made the event possible.

To register for the event, go to

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My name is Lizbeth Gutierrez and I was born and raised in Florida. I attended the University of South Florida and graduated with a degree in broadcast journalism in May 2020, Go Bulls! I’ve dreamed of working on the news since I was in 5th grade. A little bit about myself, I’m Mexican and I’m very proud of my roots and where I’m from. I love helping people and talking to people everywhere. I also love going out and just having a good time with friends. It is my first time living in a new state and I hope to advance my career with new friendships and new experiences.