‘Consider in Divine Immunity’: Trump-Supporting Megachurch Pastor Tells Congregation To not Take COVID Vaccine

Guillermo Maldonado, the Florida megachurch pastor and self-proclaimed apostle who hosted President Donald Trump at an election rally earlier this year, told his ward not to take the soon-to-be-available vaccine against the COVID-19 virus because he is part of a plan to prepare people to accept the biblical mark of the beast.

Maldonado, who mocked members of his own congregation for staying out of the church in the early days of the pandemic, warned in his Sunday speech that the COVID-19 vaccine will “change your DNA” while globalists “set the structure for them Prepare Church “Antichrist.”

“Guys, I want you to look at me,” Maldonado said as he switched between English and Spanish frequently. “This is exactly what happens with COVID-19. You are preparing the structure for the Antichrist. As? The vaccine. They will require you to have the vaccine in your passport or you will not be able to travel. Because they prepare the way. “

“The vaccines are supposed to change your DNA,” he continued. “They should track you down. Do not [take] the vaccine. Believe in the blood of Jesus. Believe in divine immunity. “

This article was originally published on Right Wing Watch and is republished here with permission

Belief in Divine Immunity: Trump-Supporting Pastor from Megachurch Calls on Congregation Not to Take COVID Vaccine first appeared in the New Civil Rights Movement.