CNN Blasts Simply-Elected GOP Caucus Chair Elise Stefanik’s ‘Wildly Inaccurate’ First Speech

During his address to members of Congress on Wednesday evening, President Joe Biden outlined some proposals for his American family plan. Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn, who appeared at Fox Business earlier in the day, falsely claimed that part of Biden’s proposal was to make Community College and Pre-K mandatory. But her office went back on that claim after it was verified by CNN’s Daniel Dale.

Blackburn said to Stuart Varney, host of Fox Business, “The three year old Pre-K – they’re going to hire this. Two years of college whether you like it or not. These are the things that take away decisions from the American people. You give them a big fat tax bill that they will pay. “

Don’t let the name of the American Families Plan fool you. This plan is anti-family and forces you to rely on the federal government to organize your life.

– Senator Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) April 28, 2021

Varney has not challenged Blackburn’s Community College and Pre-K claims, but said that “in an evenly divided Senate, Biden” will not get all the proposals “.

“In a 50:50 Senate,” Varney told Blackburn, “you can’t do that” – to which an overwhelmed, frightening Blackburn replied, “Well, God help us all. I hope we can block every single piece of it 2022 can’t get here fast enough for Republicans to regain control of the House and Senate. These people are trying to get to socialism quickly. “

CNN’s Daniel Dale, famous for all of the demanding and thorough fact-checking he gave former President Donald Trump during his four years at the White House, corrected Blackburn and debunked her claim that Biden wanted to make community college and pre-K mandatory .

Dale tweeted, “For Pre-K, Biden suggests spending $ 200 billion to make Pre-K available to all 3- and 4-year-olds. But no compulsory attendance. In college, Biden suggests spending $ 109 billion to offer all Americans a free two-year community college. But no compulsory attendance. “

For Pre-K, Biden suggests spending $ 200 billion to make Pre-K available to all 3- and 4-year-olds. But no compulsory attendance.

In college, Biden suggests spending $ 109 billion to offer all Americans a free two-year community college. But no compulsory attendance.

– Daniel Dale (@ ddale8) April 29, 2021

Spencer Hurwitz, a Blackburn spokesman, responded to Dale’s fact-checking by claiming that Blackburn “misspelled” during her conversation with Varney. He offered the bizarre excuse that she was on “live TV”.

Here are some answers to debunking:

“Misspeak” is the current GQP.

– Krys Marie (@surf_witch) April 29, 2021

Naturally. Go on TV and lie to millions and then send an email that no one will ever see if they claim to have spoken wrong. #nokonsequenzen

– Michael Gleich (@ mleetch352) April 29, 2021

But like the red meat ban oopsie, once it’s out there, it’s out. and millions will now believe it as a fact. That is smart and diabolical and absolutely deliberate

– Brant Lambermont (@brantlambermont) April 29, 2021

How about you get back on the air to correct your wrong @ MarshaBlackburn? Try to tell the truth … 🤥

– Cowgirltn @ (@ Spth005a) April 29, 2021