Civil Rights Champions Harris & Hayden Regulation’s Answer to the Double Customary in America
The civil rights champions Harris & Hayden Law’s solution to America’s double standards
PR Newswire
LOS ANGELES, January 14, 2021
The best legal strategists offer insights into the BLM versus Capitol Mob: Two Different Americas
THE ANGELJan. 14, 2021 / PRNewswire / – Harris & Hayden Law issued the following statement on recent events at the Capitol.
January 6, 2021 attack on US capital
All of America and the world watched as self-described “patriots”, hypocritically dressed in riot gear and proudly carrying Confederate flags, stormed our Capitol. The Americans froze in disbelief, shock, grief and grief – stunned when cell phones and television cameras recorded the terrible event.
The mass group of Trump supporters gathered first and then stormed, broke the barriers, illegally attacked everyone in their rebellious path and followed their right-wing leaders because their candidate had their presidential election stolen. Tragically, five people were killed while the insurgent crowd continued, aided by insane and unfounded conspiracy theories.
This and other recent events remind America of the devastating comparisons between police and police overreaction. Both are rooted in the consequences of racism.
Last week we were also informed that the white officer fired Jacob Blake Seven times in the back, if you paralyze him from the waist down, you won’t face criminal charges. Civil rights attorneys John Harris and Herbert Hayden shared last week the sadness, pain, and disappointment of Blake’s family, friends, supporters, and civil rights attorneys around the world, who were all dismayed to learn that the Kenosha County Attorney’s office had decided not to charge officer to raise Ruston Shesky. Attorneys Harris and Hayden stated, “We believe Officer Shesky’s decision to shoot Mr. Blake seven times in the back was not a legitimate law enforcement purpose.”
The story goes on
Americans experienced a similar injustice January 6, 2021when the Capitol Police didn’t control the crowd of Trump supporters. The unequal racial treatment was highlighted by the attempted Coup Klux Klan Detente.
Civil rights lawyers Harris and Haden generally address the disparity solution: “The law itself must be enforced equally, but more importantly, it must be applied equally to curb racism.” Without justice under the law, we will not be able to reconcile our two Americas. “
Harris & Hayden Law advocates civil rights and equality for all. We have represented clients in courts, arbitration, and administrative forums across California and the United States. Click the link below to download the Harris & Hayden media kit:
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Black Lives Matter protesters are pushed back by the police
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