Civil rights and labor activist Dolores Huerta to talk with EPCC college students, group – El Paso Herald Submit
Students and parishioners will have the opportunity to hear the community work leader and organizer, Dolores Huerta, this week thanks to a virtual presentation as part of the El Paso Community College Pasos program.
Huerta, Co-Founder of United Farm Workers of America with César Chávez and President and Founder of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, will answer questions from students and the El Paso Community College community on Thursday April 1st at 5:20 pm in a virtual presentation.
She has been fighting for civil rights and social justice for more than 50 years. In 1962 she and César Chávez founded the United Farm Workers union. She was vice president and for four decades played a pivotal role in many of the union’s achievements.
In 2002, she received the $ 100,000 Puffin / Nation Award for Creative Citizenship, which she used to set up the Dolores Huerta Foundation (DHF).
DHF connects pioneering community-based organizations with state and national movements to register and educate voters. Lawyer for
Educational reform; Bring about infrastructure improvements in low-income communities; Advocate greater equality for the LGBTQ community; and create strong leadership development. She has received numerous awards, including the 1998 Eleanor Roosevelt Humans Rights Award from President Bill Clinton.
In 2012, President Barack Obama awarded Dolores the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. She was also named one of USAToday’s “Women of the Century” and won the “Women of the Year” award from Glamor.
The EPCC Pasos Program – College of Community Celebration of Community Action is an annual celebration to commemorate César Chávez Day in March.
The EPCC Pasos program brings together motivated educators and a community who view our location, our people, and our stories as assets to student success.
University officials say Pasos is committed to advancing our U.S.-Mexico border community through family engagement, classroom justice, inclusion, and social justice. We will increase civic engagement through education, creative projects, service learning and community activism.
The Dolores Huerta Foundation would like to encourage attendees to take part in the peer-to-peer fundraiser for Dolores Huerta’s 91st birthday. You can find more information about the campaign here.
The presentation is free and open to the public. and can be connected via this link. For the best connection, college officials say: Windows users, Microsoft Edge is the best browser to use. If you are a Mac user, Safari is your best. For Chromebooks, use Firefox.
More information about this month’s virtual events can be found here.