Civil rights activist Ruby Bridges to talk to Weber State viewers | Native Information

OGDEN – At a time when people are increasingly isolated, especially those who are sure to work toward social justice changes, Ruby Bridges Hall will speak to an audience at Weber State University on Thursday about her experience as the first African American child to do the the all-white school attends William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans.

“Personally, I hope people find hope when they know that sometimes you don’t have to be alone, even if it looks like you are alone if you just get in touch,” said Tia Nero, program coordinator for diversity , Justice and Inclusion at Weber State. “Trusting in others can go a long way.”

As a 6-year-old, Bridges’ parents responded to a NAACP request to participate in the desegregation of the New Orleans school system in 1960. Bridges was one of six African American students in town who had passed a test that allowed them to take all-white William Frantz Elementary.

Two of the children chose to stay at their old school and three others – commonly known as the McDonogh Three – were transferred to McDonogh 19 Elementary School, leaving Bridges the only African American child in school. As a result, she faced a crowd of angry demonstrators and endured threats. Leading agents of the US Marshal Service accompanied her to and from school every day.

All of the teachers at William Frantz Elementary refused to accept Bridges into their classroom, with one exception – Barbara Henry. The two formed a special bond and helped Bridges get through the school year.

“We wanted to bring Ruby Bridges with us because we felt that from her experience in the fight for social justice and justice and her journey as a civil rights activist, she knew what it meant to stand up for what you believe in,” said Nero.

Bridges, who graduated from integrated high school and now has grandchildren, remains committed to fighting racism, especially in schools. In 1999, she founded the Ruby Bridges Foundation to educate others about “the values ​​of tolerance, respect and appreciation for all differences,” according to the organization’s website.

“Ruby Bridges is a reminder that the history of educational segregation is as timely today as it was when schools were integrated in Louisiana in 1960,” said Adrienne Andrews, Weber’s vice president of diversity, who will host the event, in a press release. “As a living story, it illustrates a person’s ability to transform the nation through consistent action.”

Most recently, Bridges published “This is Your Time,” a New York Times bestseller. The 64-page book serves as a letter to readers and a call to action as the country cracks down on racism in the wake of the summer protests sparked by the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

“Recent events here in our own community remind us that we all need the courage that 6-year-old Ruby showed us 61 years ago and beyond,” Nicola Corbin, associate at Communication Associate, said in a press release. Corbin will interview Bridges.

She continued, “As we celebrate blacks’ contributions to building this United States this month, I hope that participants will realize that we must all make significant changes throughout our entire human race throughout the year that will move us forward. If a 6 year old and her family can do it, so can we. “

The online event, which is part of the university’s Black History Month celebration, is free and open to the public. It will take place on Thursday at 6 p.m. via Zoom. Community members can register on the school’s website to participate and ask questions of Bridges.

“We’re very excited and hope that everyone can participate and take away the things we could take away when we see interviews with Ms. Bridges,” said Nero.