Capitol Police Officer Says He and Others Have been Despatched Dwelling ‘Earlier Than Anticipated’ – Report

Before President Donald Trump took the stage to deliver a highly produced speech that sparked an armed and deadly violent uprising by thousands of his supporters, the President’s son, Donald Trump Jr. filmed the March to Save America backstage watch party Family.

In addition to Donald Jr., President Trump, Eric Trump, White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, and Don Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, dance to “Gloria”.

In another clip of the same event that may be broadcast live, Guilfoyle urges the Trump MAGA crowd to “fight” while Don Jr. lauds Meadows as “a real fighter, a real fighter”.

Don Jr. calls Mark Meadows “a real fighter, a real fighter” just before the attack on the Capitol.

– Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) January 7, 2021

The full video is shocking. It shows the President watching the crowd on big television screens. They all appear to be in a tent near the stage where, minutes later, President Trump would promise the thugs and already ginned supporters, “I’ll never admit.”

In that speech, Trump told supporters to “go down to the Capitol” and promised them that he would be by their side. (He was not.)

“We’ll cheer on our brave senators and congressmen,” said Trump. He telegraphed who to speak to, adding, “And we probably won’t cheer some of you as much – because you will never retake our country with weakness.”

“We will never give up. We will never admit. It will never happen. They don’t admit when it comes to death. Our country has enough. We won’t take it anymore. “

Don Jr. posted the full video of the Watch Party on Facebook. (It is not embeddable.)

Minutes after appearing on camera in the video of his son Jr. selling his latest book, the president told his already ginned supporters, “None of us here today want our election victory stolen, encouraged radical Democrats. “

Less than two hours after posting the video on Facebook, Trump Jr. would post this tweet claiming that it is Democrats, not Republicans, who are violent. (He hasn’t tweeted since then.) Notice that he doesn’t tell the insurgents to go home.

This is wrong and not who we are. Be peaceful and use your first change rights, but don’t act like the other side. We have a country to save and that doesn’t help anyone.

– Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 6, 2021