‘Breathtaking’ Interviews Present Trump Was ‘Impervious’ to Pleas to Take Pandemic Severely: NYT’s Haberman
Axios reporter Jonathan Swan interviewed President Donald Trump and things didn’t go well for the president. The internet is full of amazement at how the Australian journalist decimated Trump, as the following clip shows.
“We’re going to look at some of these charts,” Trump, who is sitting on a very low chair, tells Swan.
“I would love to,” replies Swan.
Trump fiddles with color printouts of graphs that look like they were made for an elementary school class.
Rather than admitting that Americans are dying at the rate of one every minute, Trump tries to convince Swan to look at the cases – that is, see how many people die as a percentage of the number of people infected.
Swan says without hesitation, “I’m talking about death as a percentage of the population – that’s where the US is really bad.”
Trump is reduced to babbling.
Republican-turned-libertarian Congressman Justin Amash weighed in and called it “like an episode of Veep, but real”.
Check out the clip, which has been viewed nearly 14 million times in eight and a half hours.
. @ jonathanvswan: “Oh you make death part of the cases. I’m talking about death as a percentage of the population. The US is really bad there. Much worse than South Korea, Germany etc. ”@ Realdonaldtrump:“ You can’t do that. “
Swan: Why can’t I do that? pic.twitter.com/MStySfkV39
– Axios (@axios) August 4, 2020
Here’s what some say:
I need everyone to see this. pic.twitter.com/eRPk7Dr1q5
– South Paw (@nycsouthpaw) August 4, 2020
In all fairness there should be several TV news anchors / networks out there who have interviewed Trump and they should be pretty embarrassed showing Swan how to do their job properly.
– Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) August 4, 2020
@ Jonathanvswan’s interview with @realDonaldTrump clearly shows why Trump is a global mockery.
– George Conway (@ gtconway3d) August 4, 2020
It’s weird honestly that this is the guy who supposedly wants MORE debates https://t.co/uB0rsZVPFr
– Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) August 4, 2020
It is extremely devastating. Soul devastating devastating.
A president who ignores reality and responsibility and tries to figure out a way that pandemic numbers can look good for him. https://t.co/HSiHQHO4CH
– Brian Nosek (@BrianNosek) August 4, 2020
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
Oh my god he’s so stupid
– MEMORYY (@MemoryyMusic) August 4, 2020
Is it more scary that he doesn’t get it or that they clearly play the information so that he is happy?
– Clint Sears (@clintisawesome) August 4, 2020
I see a president who does not understand the gravity of the crisis, but also an employee who is willing to give him figures and graphs that he believes will support his view. https://t.co/Zt4TdhSLBl
– Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) August 4, 2020
Trump is so damn stupid, it’s painful.
– Pé (@ 4everNeverTrump) August 4, 2020
Laughing and funny at first sight.
If we go any further, it will be utterly embarrassing and terrible for the entire rest of the world that this person is the head of the United States.
– Ignoble Savage (@drayzze) August 4, 2020
The President of the United States has no contact with reality https://t.co/aTgio8yt6M
– John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) August 4, 2020
Trump is a profound idiot.
This was only masked by the journalists’ inability to push him on issues.
If the WH press pool would join forces to answer each other’s questions, every press appearance would be like this. https://t.co/INPgI7Blpv
– The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 4, 2020
This @ Jonathanvswan interview left Trump in ruins.
If you still support him, just listen to the interview and ask yourself:
Is that a guy I would trust about my child’s future, for example?
Damn it, is he someone I would trust to pick up my laundry? https://t.co/KCPRQ19ULC
– Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) August 4, 2020
Trump is responsible for many of these deaths. As did his enablers: Republicans in Congress, the people who work for him, Fox News, conservative media, evangelical supporters, and Trump voters. They all expose the nation to an ignorant egoist. https://t.co/dLDMqj9Q9j
– David Corn (@DavidCornDC) August 4, 2020
Really as crazy as everyone imagines it to be. It is remarkable to see someone standing unsuspectingly in real time. but then also terrifying to think that thousands more will die from it https://t.co/tRMyIhJSjJ
– David Mack (@davidmackau) August 4, 2020