Biden Will Invoke Protection Safety Act to Vaccinate Individuals After Trump Fails to Meet Objective

In his column for the Daily Beast, longtime political observer Michael Tomasky claims the country is watching “The last (for now) departure of King Donald,” while the President in Mar-a-Lago pouts about his election loss and plans to end the Republican Party Harming resignation from the presidency.

Although the president reportedly signed the COVID-19 relief law at the last minute on Sunday evening – while preventing the government from closing – the columnist said the president did great harm to the Republican Party by delaying the signing and angry the public made by spending the weekend golfing after threatening a veto.

Calling the delay in signing – and the fear it caused over Christmas week – “crazy”, Tomasky suggested that the damage Trump is doing to the GOP is deliberate both as a test of loyalty and to show Republican lawmakers themselves if he leaves office after a humiliating defeat, he can still make or break it.

“Trump is five years old and everything with him is just five years old. Caveman just, ”he wrote. “So he can’t think of the Republican Party or the Senate under a Biden presidency or anything like that.”

Despite the fact that the president is supposed to campaign for Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia ahead of their runoff election against their Democratic challengers, Tomasky wrote that the president would really like to see Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY ), the Senate loses control of the Republicans and suffers.

“He’s kidding on Mitch McConnell. There is nothing complicated or tactical about it. McConnell admitted that Joe Biden had won the election. That’s why he has to suffer. Boom. Caveman just, ”he wrote before adding that Trump would like to see both GOP Senate candidates lose because he would have lost the state too.

“Trump doesn’t care who heads the Senate if he’s not president,” wrote Tomasky. “To the extent that he’s capable of a small strategy, he might well think he’d prefer the Democrats to take the lead in 2021 and 2022, and maybe even in the two years after that. It will be easier to run against them. At least that’s what he thinks because he believes America will have descended into socialist hell by 2024, when the Democrats control Congress and the White House. “

The columnist further noted that the president is likely wrong on this, as the Biden administration will likely be judged by how it deals with the Trump-inherited COVID-19 crisis that has caused so much damage to the country due to Trump’s mismanagement .

You can read more here (subscription required).