Biden Declares ‘Transgender Rights Are Human Rights,’ Turns into First President to Mark Transgender Day of Visibility

President Joe Biden honored the American transgender community on Wednesday with the declaration “Transgender rights are human rights” and was the first US president to mark Transgender Visibility Day with a proclamation.

“Transgender rights are human rights – and I urge every American to work with me to increase the worth and dignity of transgender Americans,” Biden said on Twitter. “Together we can eradicate discrimination and keep our nation’s promise of freedom and equality for all.”

The Washington Blade was the first to report on Biden’s proclamation, which has not yet been officially published. According to the blade, an advance copy says:

Today we honor and celebrate the successes and
Resilience of transgender individuals and communities.
Transgender Visibility Day recognizes the generations of
Struggle, activism and courage that brought our country
closer to full transgender and non-binary gender equality
People in the United States and around the world. your
Groundbreaking work has brought countless transgender individuals
the courage to live openly and authentically. It’s fiercely fought
Progress also shapes an increasingly accepting world in
their peers at school, teammates and coaches at play
Field, work colleagues and allies in every corner of society
stand in support and solidarity with the transgender

“Transgender Americans of all ages,” adds Biden, “are exposed to high rates of violence, harassment and discrimination. Almost one in three transgender Americans has experienced homelessness at some point in their life. Transgender Americans continue to experience discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare and public shelters. The crisis of violence against transgender women, especially colored transgender women, is a stain on our nation’s conscience. “

In addition to the violence and discrimination transgender people face, at least 82 anti-transgender bills have been tabled in state legislatures across the country, up from the previous year (79), according to HRC reports.

Last month, President Biden also tweeted:

Transgender rights are human rights – and this House made that clear today with the passage of the Equal Opportunities Act.

Now it is time for the Senate to do the same.

– President Biden (@POTUS) February 26, 2021

Just five days after taking office, he lifted President Donald Trump’s devastating ban on transgender members:

Today I lifted the discriminatory ban on transgender people serving in the military. It’s simple: America is safer when everyone qualified to serve can do so openly and with pride.

– President Biden (@POTUS) January 25, 2021