Biden and Harris Households Maintain Nationwide Second of Silence to Honor 500,000 People Who Have Died of COVID
US Senator Ted Cruz is under fire again, this time for traveling to Washington DC to attend the Judicial Committee’s confirmation hearing of Biden’s Attorney General’s election of Merrick Garland, and also for his questioning. The Texas Republican first came under fire for traveling to Cancun, Mexico last week when millions of its constituents were without electricity, heat and running water.
Cruz returned Thursday after mistakenly blaming his children for his Mexican vacation (while leaving the family dog at home in a cold house).
However, the CDC guidelines are very clear about what Americans should do – including a warning that given the high rate of coronavirus in the population, no one should travel to Mexico at all.
“Travelers should avoid any trip to Mexico,” said CDC.
“Before you return to the USA by plane, have yourself tested with a virus test at least 3 days before departure. The test result must be negative, ”it adds. Cruz’s office says he was tested and it came back negative. It was not specified which test Cruz took. Some, like those used in the Trump White House, are only used to detect coronavirus infections in patients with symptoms.
“Get tested 3 to 5 days after your trip AND stay in self-quarantine for 7 days after your trip. If you don’t get tested, the safest thing to do is to stay home for 10 days to self-quarantine, ”adds CDC.
Yahoo News reports that “key workers like lawmakers are allowed to continue performing their duties when they are symptom-free,” but, as many noted, this is just another example of Cruz putting himself in front of others.
Cruz was also attacked for the extreme partisanship and politicization of his questions to Merrick Garland, who was denied that chance as President Barack Obama’s candidate for a seat in the Supreme Court when Republicans refused to hold hearings on his nomination.
Senator Cruz almost accused President Joe Biden of a “future crime” and said he was certain that Biden would politicize the Justice Department. Many were stunned as there is no reason to believe it and that Cruz was silent when President Donald Trump did it for four years.
AG candidate Merrick Garland, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), ironically criticizes the Obama / Biden Justice Department for being “politicized and armed” as an instrument to attack political opponents.
– The recount (@therecount) February 22, 2021
Here are some answers:
Being @Tedcruz means you can make your own truths and not follow any rules! 1. No quarantine after traveling outside the US. 2. Consultation with the accused’s attorney if he is serving as a juror in an impeachment.
– jeri Amundsen (@jeramundsen) February 22, 2021
Ted Cruz, who did not complain about the politicization or weaponry of the Trump Justice Department, complains that the Obama Just Department is “politicized and armed”.
– Kyle Griffin (@ kylegriffin1) February 22, 2021
Based on the current interview with Ted Cruz, I can only conclude that he was out of the country for four years and not 24 hours.
– Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) February 22, 2021
It doesn’t require just a CDC recommendation, which means GOP doesn’t. Other counties are enforcing their quarantine rules and getting better results (unlike the US with 500,000 deaths).
– Bill Webb? (@wewebb) February 22, 2021
Let’s just make it clear that the reason the Jim Crow Insurrectionist senators like @tedcruz and @LindseyGrahamSC @EricHolder can’t stand is because he sued antebellum states that tried to give black Americans the right to vote undermine.
– Joy-Ann Pro-Democracy & Masks Reid? (@JoyAnnReid) February 22, 2021
Ted Cruz is still not in quarantine after his trip to Mexico.
– Janet Johnson (@JJohnsonLaw) February 22, 2021
Ted Cruz skips quarantine to infect first responders
– Randy Wall? ?? ???? (@RandyEdgarWall) February 22, 2021
Ted Cruz tries to change the subject from his Cancun vacation by ranting Eric Holder and advancing years of debunked conspiracy theories and Merrick Garland’s confirmation hearing.
– Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 22, 2021
So @tedcruz didn’t quarantine.
He’s my senator and he has to resign.
He didn’t care if his dog died and he doesn’t care if he spreads COVID.
– Texas. It’s like being in a completely different country. (@feloneouscat) February 22, 2021
@tedcruz I have questions! Why aren’t you in quarantine after your fun trip to Cancun? Speaking of the politicization and weaponry of the Justice Department … did you meet Bill Barr and / or Jeff Sessions? You didn’t seem to mind at the time! I wonder why. Partisan a lot? #Hypocrite
– Mamakuzzy (@mamakuzzy) February 22, 2021
When I see @SenTedCruz / @ tedcruz on all of these tweets about his idiotic comments during the Merrick Garland hearings, I think we should quarantine him in isolation with no communication devices in Cancun when he fled Texas. # TedCruzisADisgrace
– Bobby Parker (@LegionBobo) February 22, 2021