Ayala Laws to Assist Virginia Working Households Throughout 2021 Legislative Session Passes

Provided by Del. Hala Ayala’s office

At the conclusion of the special legislative session, Delegate Hala Ayala announced that her legislative agenda in support of working families in Virginia had been passed with the support of both parties in both the House and Senate. Her agenda focused on supporting the workers, women and families of the Commonwealth during the COVID-19 pandemic and leading Virginia into a strong future as we recover from this crisis.

Ayala has penned laws to train government officials on public health and safety, study fetal and child mortality rates in Virginia including racial disparities, expand broadband access across the Commonwealth to bridge the digital divide, and refreshment areas in the Creating Outdoors to Help Small Businesses and Places Recover Remove the 30-day auto insurance refund wait to get more cash into Virginians’ pockets, faster.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic slowdown, our Commonwealth is facing an unprecedented crisis,” Ayala said. “More than 8,000 Virginians have died, and one in four Virginia businesses closed during the pandemic. The Virgins are hurting right now, and as someone who previously struggled to make ends meet, I understand that many are in pain. I am grateful for Governor Northam’s leadership during this crisis, and I am grateful for my colleagues’ support for my legislation to protect Virginians, support workers, and help our small businesses recover. “

In addition to the bills passed, the General Assembly funded a study of Ayala’s bill on paid family and medical leave in the conference budget. This is the first time paid family and medical vacations have been funded in the budget. Throughout the session, Ayala was vice chair of the Committee on Communication, Technology and Innovation and deputy head of the Democratic Caucus, where she played an important role in the legalization of marijuana, automatic designation and ensuring the price of prescription drugs transparency, expanding the Access to abortion care and implement Governor Northam’s G3 training program for G3 jobs.