Vice Chair of US Gov’t. Spiritual Freedom Group Boasts ‘Warriors for Christ’ Had been Created to ‘Take Over the World’

Tony PerkinsThe vice chairman of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), a federal commission, says men were created as “warriors for Christ” and should “wage war” and try to “take over the world.” ”

Appointed to the commission by then Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Perkins served for decades as president of the Family Research Council, which is on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of anti-LGBTQ hate groups.

“We should be happy warriors. We were made for this, ”says Perkins in a video (below) from Right Wing Watch.

“It wasn’t that this is just something that falls on us right now. We were created to be warriors to Christ – especially as men – we are to lead our families as warriors. Well, that terminology has been slandered by the culture that we are, you know, these ‘Christian warriors’. We’re trying to take over the world, said Perkins.

“Yes, we are,” he admitted, adding, “the kingdom, the kingdom of God.”

It is unclear how Perkins can admit that as a “Christian warrior” and “wage war” he wants to “take over” the world – and yet still be able to rely on his USCIRF role when it comes to religious freedom – freedom for all religions – in around the world to ensure world.

“We want everyone to come to the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and experience life in its fullness. And that means we have to wage war. It’s not physical warfare, ”he insisted. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are spiritual to demolish strongholds, so we shouldn’t apologize for them.”


Religious rights activist Tony Perkins says men “were created to be warriors for Christ” and complains that critics accuse him of “trying to take over the world” for saying such things. Then he admits, “Yes, we are. ”

– Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 4, 2021

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