Velma Younger constructing renamed after civil rights activist

MERIDIAN, miss. (WTOK) – Meridian City Council has approved the renaming of the old Velma Young building after a historic black woman who paved the way for the citizens’ movement in Meridian.

The building will be renamed after Polly Heidelberg, who was a local civil rights activist who befriended three murdered civil rights activists, James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael “Mickey” Schwerner.

Ward 2 councilor Dwayne Davis presented this idea to the council, including the idea of ​​redesigning the building.

Davis also said that he would like to hear from residents in Station 2 what they would like to see with this building.

“They were thrilled by and behind me about 110% of the renaming. I took it to the city council and they thought it was a good idea. We started putting money aside last year. We have the Frank Cochran Center project that we’re going to revitalize first. The remaining funds will then be used for the Velma Young Center to make something of it in honor of Miss Polly Heidelberg, ”said Davis.

Davis said they will also build a hiking trail in honor of Heidelberg.

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