US Intel Businesses Smack Down Trump Try and Pin Blame on China for Big Gov’t. Hack
President Donald Trump travels to Georgia on Monday evening to hold his final campaign rally in hopes of motivating supporters to vote for incumbent Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler on Tuesday. The trip comes just two days after he potentially violated Georgia and federal law by trying to steal that state’s elections.
Several of his extremist supporters will be traveling with Trump on Monday night, including President’s first daughter and advisor Ivanka Trump, former Trump campaign manager and former White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, and new Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). a QAnon conspiracy theorist. Trump also includes South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and White House and Trump Campaign Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.
Trump gathers tonight in Whitfield County, Georgia, where ONE IN TEN residents have tested positive for COVID. In the region with six counties, a single bed is available in the intensive care unit. This is the convention district represented by Marjorie Greene, who makes fun of wearing masks. #gapol
– Charles Bethea (@charlesbethea) January 4, 2021
Rep. Greene hypocritically told CNN on Monday that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger “Georgia failed.”
“I think our elections should be decertified,” she added, but quickly realized that she was only referring to “the president’s race,” not her own, which she won in the same November election that Trump lost.
Social media users quickly attacked the extremists traveling with the president.
Team treason.
– sassafras 🕯 (@ rootb3er) January 4, 2021
As much as I enjoyed watching Sterling debunk Trumpy conspiracies one by one as he spoke about our leading QAnon congressman driving AF1 to the Trump rally. So that’s an indication of how this will go.
– Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) January 4, 2021
All of these people have played their roles where we are now and should wear them proudly for the rest of their lives!
– Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) January 4, 2021
Animals with emotional support that are not limited to AF1 😏⬇️
– RaePharmDVotes💙 (@HausOfEse) January 4, 2021
They should all be arrested if AF1 lands.
– Little but mighty Quinn (@ Warrior4Horses) January 4, 2021
I like presidents who are not traveling to Georgia with a QAnon member of Congress on Air Force One.
– Barbara Malmet (@ B52Malmet) January 4, 2021
“Thank you for flying with Sedition Airlines. Enjoy your stay in Georgia!”
– Billy resists 🌊 (@steve_sfl) January 4, 2021
If they were weighed down by their collective lies, this plane would never leave the ground.
– Liberalgirl3 (@ liberalgirl3) January 4, 2021
So it is officially considered the flying clown car.
– Frank Marin (@ FrankRiveraMar1) January 4, 2021
I thought clowns traveled in cars
– Thor Benson (@thor_benson) January 4, 2021
Ivanka will fill QAnon if she runs for the Florida Senate.
– Steve M. (@nomoremister) January 4, 2021
He’s got the band back together! It’s the Jim Crow Treasonweasels, live! From Dalton, Georgia!
– Kriste Kline😷🗳 (@KristeKline) January 4, 2021