Trump’s Social Media Launch Laughed Off by Specialists
Legal experts weigh on bomb news that federal agents raided the home and office of former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani in New York City on Wednesday. The New York Times, which spread the news, says the enforcement of the search warrants was linked to an investigation into the activities of the former New York mayor in Ukraine.
George Conway, noted attorney and spouse of former President Trump’s advisor, says the bar must be extremely high for a search warrant on Giuliani:
This is such an important point. The predicate for this search of the premises of a lawyer representing a president must in practice go well beyond the probable reason.
– George Conway (@ gtconway3d) April 28, 2021
Conway responded to comments from Richard Signorelli, a former asst. US attorney in the southern borough of New York (SDNY) who also said:
As Chuck Rosenberg is just making clear on @mitchellreports, the staleness doctrine requires the government to have a likely reason that evidence of crime can currently be found in the electronic devices / apt / office, although it can also go way back in time too.
– Richard Signorelli (@richsignorelli) April 28, 2021
LA Times legal columnist and former US attorney Harry Littman says Attorney General Merick Garland and Assistant Attorney General Lisa Monaco must have signed the search warrant requests:
Yes. Also Monaco
– Harry Litman (@harrylitman) April 28, 2021
Former General Inspector of Justice:
I doubt this has ever happened before – a former US attorney whose residence was searched in an investigation conducted by the office he once ran. A judge had to conclude that there is a likely reason that evidence of crime is being found there.
– Michael R. Bromwich (@mrbromwich) April 28, 2021
Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti said the fact that the DOJ raided Giuliani’s home “shows that the criminal investigation against Giuliani is well advanced.”
He notes that, based on the Times’ reporting, “senior Justice Department officials tried to block Trump’s arrest warrants.”
And more:
10 / So an interesting aspect of this investigation is that it is related to the first impeachment investigation. Trump’s White House efforts to obstruct this investigation, while unlikely, were in part intended to prevent an investigation into Giuliani. /End
– Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) April 28, 2021
NBC News and MSNBC Legal Contributor:
The fact that Rudy is a lawyer and judge who signed this search warrant is HUGE. Can you imagine what kind of information was included in this warrant to aid in obtaining that information?
– Katie S. Phang (@KatiePhang) April 28, 2021
Conway also “replied” to an old Giuliani tweet with his typical sense of humor:
are in deep, deep s ** t
– George Conway (@ gtconway3d) April 28, 2021