Trump Surgeon Normal Slammed for Being ‘Uncomfortable’ With Biden Help of Anheuser’s Beer-for-Vaccine Incentive

After spending the first year of the pandemic by keeping silent about President Donald Trump’s trivialization of the coronavirus pandemic, comparing it to the flu, the “China virus”, defending himself against masks and social distancing, for hydroxychloroquine and in general To advertise other fake “cures” and refuse to invoke the Defense Production Act and use the pandemic to get on TV every day while spreading false information at the same time is one of the things that former Trump Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams “uncomfortable” when the Biden government endorses a private company’s free beer incentive, wondering, “Are cigarettes next?”

“Have public health advocates who have tried to raise the alarm about the health complications of increasing alcohol consumption really no problem with a government-sanctioned beer giveaway?” Dr. Adams, a former vice admiral, asked on Twitter Tuesday.

This “federally sanctioned beer giveaway” comes from Anheuser-Busch, who “worked with the Biden White House to give every American a free beer if 70% of Americans are vaccinated with at least one shot by July 4th” . to fortune.

Americans don’t get vaccinated against COVID-19 and then don’t get a beer hunter at their local CVS, Walgreen’s, or hospital or health clinic.

It’s just one way to get more people vaccinated.

Given that the Trump administration is responsible for what the media generously calls “vaccine delay,” it is amazing that the chief health official sat back and said little when Trump was spreading falsehoods – which literally created the situation that We now see that 41% of Republicans say they will never get vaccinated – is “inconvenient”.

“I’m all for incentives / rewards and I’m not against people who make personal choices about drinking, but even the current surgeon general has issued a report warning of the health effects of alcohol consumption. Donuts, games of chance (lottery tickets) … cigarettes coming next? Just me? ”Asked Dr. Adams.

Then he suggested that he tried to take the highway but just couldn’t stand by it any longer.

“I’m really starting to feel uncomfortable with the public health tradeoffs here,” he said, who would try to unite America by motivating people, their friends and family who refuse to follow science to get them vaccinated, in order to save their lives and the lives of those around them, vaccinated. “And the messages that we send to our youth in subtle ways. Is it really worth it? “

I have tried to hold back knowing my message will likely be viewed by some as an attack on the government, but I am not. I’m really starting to feel uncomfortable with the public health tradeoffs here. And the messages that we send to our youth in subtle ways. Is it really worth it? 🤔

– Jerome Adams (@JeromeAdamsMD) June 8, 2021

Many argue that it is. Some agreed with Adams. Some criticized him for his performance as a surgeon general.

And some asked why he didn’t have a problem with the gun giveaway.

1) They don’t give away beer. It is a cash gift card paid for by Budweiser. 2) Krispy Kreme has made a donut free donut option and it is not a government program. 3) Why not mention the rifles and shotguns given away by WV?

– Frederick Augustus Olds (@fredaolds) June 8, 2021

(1) Some vice-based incentives are worth vaccinating more people (2) as a surgeon general, mocking COVID-19 (and mocking Democrats who tried to take the reaction seriously) to get Trump to use you to like: Well that probably killed a lot of people.

– David Rothschild (@DavMicRot) June 8, 2021

Jerome, I hear you. I wonder what the concern was when your boss told people to inject bleach and not wear masks, or that testing was the only reason we had cases. Agree with your concerns about the incentives, but it would be more credible if you consistently address BS

– Ariel Berger (@ ArielBerger5) June 8, 2021

You wouldn’t have to beg if it weren’t for people who keep downplaying the vaccine or virus

– Camille (@clt_luv) June 8, 2021

If only the people from the Trump administration (and Trump) had been consistent in their message about combating Covid (masks, social distancing, hand washing, vaccination, etc.) and not made it a political, partisan issue at the very beginning ….. If only.

– Michele (@ourroseylife) June 8, 2021

The sad thing is that there had to be “bribes” in order for people to take the vaccine. The right spreads the lie that the vaccine is not safe and why they will not take it, not even considering the truth … that Covid was politicized and the vaccine along with it!

– Truth Witch (@HagTruth) June 8, 2021

Any problem with gun incentives or not?

– RudyTheBold (@BoldRudy) June 8, 2021

After your submissive ass kissing from Trump while favoring the misinformation and negligence in the early days of the pandemic, you really should sit this out, champion.

– Awkward sloganer (@EliotGreenspan) June 8, 2021

Image: Official White House photo by D. Myles Cullen via Flickr