Trump ‘As much as No Good’
Army four-star general Barry McCaffrey (ret.) Is sounding the alarm over reports that incumbent Defense Secretary Chris Miller has banned the Pentagon Brass from holding meetings with representatives of the Biden transition team.
“The Pentagon abruptly stops the Biden transition – makes no sense. CLAIM YOU ARE WARMED. DOD GOES OPAQUE. TRUMP-MILLER UP TO NO GOOD. DANGER. – ”tweeted McCaffrey, a well-known and highly respected NBC News and MSNBC military analyst.
According to reports from Axios and Business Insider, Pentagon officials are “overwhelmed” by the number of meetings they have attended with Biden employees, and Miller has decided to order a two-week break for the holidays.
An official speaking to Business Insider attempted to soften the ban, “saying that the Pentagon and the Biden transition team had agreed to take a break and that transition meetings would be postponed after the holidays.”
That report adds that “other transitional activities, such as answering requests for information and providing written material, will continue uninterrupted, the official said.”
Last month (video below), McCaffrey expressed great concern that Trump would get rid of senior Pentagon officials – including his Secretary of Defense – and replace them with top Trump loyalists. McCaffrey said he was “alarmed” about the shake.
“If I were a CIA officer trying to understand what is going on in a third world country and seeing this pattern of behavior, I would say that the strong are trying to take over government and oppose an election. ”
Today’s news is all the more worrying given that the only item on Trump’s official schedule today is a meeting with incumbent Defense Secretary Miller.