Trump and Giuliani Ask Choose to Dismiss Lawsuit Claiming They Sparked Capitol Riot — Say They Had been Simply Exercising Free Speech

CNN reported Thursday that Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell has asked GOP senators to vote against a bill that would set up an independent commission to investigate the pro-Trump uprising at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

“In the past 24 hours, McConnell has doubled his number, reaching out to certain senators who he feared might falter and asking them to vote against the commission and cite them as” personal favors, “” reported Jamie Gangel from CNN.

Host John King noted that it is not uncommon for a leader to ask members of his caucus to vote as favors in a certain way.

“But that’s not a vote. This is not a budget vote. This is not “Does anyone get a scrap contract?” This is an attack on the United States government, ”King said.

“Exactly right, and I was told that the senators were really surprised that he was using that type of language and how persistent he was,” Gangel replied. “A Republican source told me,” No one can understand why Mitch is so extreme as to ask a personal favor to kill the commission. “The source went on,” How can you have an attack on the Capitol and the Republican leader votes against it? “The source ended by saying,” It’s despicable. “

“Our sources suggest that Mitch McConnell may have been really concerned that Ms. Sicknick’s visit today would affect some Republican senators.” Gangel added. referring to the mother of the fallen Capitol Police officer, Brian Sicknick, who campaigns on behalf of the Commission.

Earlier Thursday, McConnell spoke against the Senate commission, saying: “The role of the former president has already been extensively challenged in high-level impeachment proceedings. ”

“I don’t believe the additional one strange A commission desired by Democratic leaders would uncover crucial new facts or promote healing, “McConnell said.

CNN reported that Republican senators are expected to block a bill that will set up the commission as early as Thursday: “The refusal of at least 10 Republican senators to vote for the commission underscores the profound party-political divide that is growing The beginning of this year over the uprising has come at a crucial time for Capitol Hill as the Democrats are struggling to advance President Joe Biden’s agenda. Some Democrats cite Republican opposition as a sign of why the Senate should break the 60-vote threshold to pass most of the laws, given the tightly-knit chamber. “

Check out the two clips and see some reactions below.

Mitch McConnell has reached out to certain Republican senators asking them to vote against the commission as “personal favors”.

– Acyn (@Acyn) May 27, 2021

McConnell: And obviously the former president’s role in the high-level impeachment process has already been extensively challenged. I do not believe that the additional foreign commission that the democratic leaders want would uncover crucial new facts or promote the healing.

– Acyn (@Acyn) May 27, 2021

I feel physically sick.

“McConnell asked Republican senators a” personal favor “to vote against the January 6 commission,”

– David Priess (@DavidPriess), May 27, 2021

What will GOP Senators honor? @ LeaderMcConnell Asking a “personal favor” or a request from Ms. Sicknick & Ms. Garza to “do the right thing” for those who are risking their lives?

– Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) May 27, 2021

Look, my wife says she left the government because of this uprising. As a personal favor, I would appreciate all of you not asking questions and agreeing to forget about it. I am a turtle too.

– David Waldman-1 of Yorktown LLC ™ (@KagroX) May 27, 2021

Since when should a “personal favor” be considered if you have an opportunity to ensure that future coup attempts are foiled?

Involvement in the cover-up makes any Republican who votes to block the investigation a co-conspirator

– Monty 🇺🇸Lincolns Reden🇺🇸 Boa (@ MontyBoa99) May 27, 2021

It is important for Republicans that we all forget about their crimes.

– Mark Jacob (@ MarkJacob16) May 27, 2021

Senator Mitch McConnell can do me a personal favor and eat shit.

– Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) May 27, 2021