Trump Administration Sues Fb for Participating in Similar Hiring Practices as Trump’s Personal Corporations
The Trump judiciary is suing Facebook for its alleged practice of hiring foreign workers for jobs that could be filled by American workers – a practice that President Donald Trump’s own golf resorts are heavily involved in.
The Trump judiciary has accused “the social media company of illegally reserving high-paying jobs for migrant workers whom it has sponsored for permanent residence rather than adequately searching for available US workers to fill the positions,” it said Wall Street Journal reports.
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said Facebook inadequately advertised at least 2,600 jobs filled by immigrants with highly skilled H-1B visas between 2018 and 2019 when the company applied to sponsor those workers for permanent resident permits, which are classified as Green Cards is called. ”
But President Trump’s own resorts are notorious for hiring migrant workers – including those without papers – for jobs that American workers could do.
“3 Trump properties have 144 vacancies for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker, ”Vox reported in 2018.
“A Vox analysis of hiring records for seasonal workers in three Trump homes in New York and Florida found that from 2016 to the end of 2017, only one in 144 jobs went to a US worker. Foreign guest workers with H-2B visas received the rest. “
This is just one of many examples.
“For nearly two decades, the Trump Organization has relied on a roving crew of Latin American workers to build fountains and waterfalls, sidewalks and rock walls at the company’s winery and golf courses from New York to Florida,” the Washington Post reported in 2019.
“President Trump doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said a worker, Jorge Castro, a 55-year-old Ecuadorian immigrant who left the company in April after nine years. “But he still has them on his property.”
“If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter,” said Castro, a comment repeated by other workers in Trump houses.
That same year, the Palm Beach Post reported, “President Donald Trump plans to recruit dozens of foreign workers to Palm Beach County during the 2019-2020 tourist season to continue his longstanding practice of recruiting workers from Romania and other countries.”
The president, the Post added, “intends to hire 80 at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and 14 at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter.”