Texas GOP Congressman Threatens Civil Struggle if Democrats Win Georgia Runoff Elections

On Monday on Fox News, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) appeared to be suggesting that Republicans would declare civil war on the United States if the Democrats won the Georgia runoff on Tuesday.

“Here’s the thing,” said Roy. “What will happen in Georgia tomorrow? If we have a democratically controlled Senate, we are basically in a violent conflict in this country now while we are in a cold civil war right now. We have a big problem in this country where Americans, the normal people out there who work every day, hardworking Americans, are trampled underfoot by a system that is directed against them. “

“That’s what it’s about, and if the American people don’t show up in Georgia, if the Georgians don’t show up and make sure we have the Senate in Republican hands, that’s what happens,” Roy said. “Two more votes from the Senate in Washington, DC and Puerto Rico will ban them for good.”

See below:

I think a Republican member of Congress just threatened civil war if the Dems win in Georgia tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/yZhwB75Up1

– Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) January 5, 2021

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