Taxpayers Will Probably Should Spend Hundreds of thousands for All New Voting Machines

Arizona’s Republican Senate President Karen FannThe “audit” of the Maricopa County presidential election cost taxpayers only millions of dollars, possibly more than $ 6 million, excluding the cost of the actual “audit.”

Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has sent a letter to Maricopa County (below) expressing “serious concerns about the safety and integrity” of the voting machines, which are gradually being returned. Secretary Hobbs says, “The chain of custody, a critical principle, has been compromised and election officials have no idea what happened to the machines under the control of Cyber ​​Ninja.”

Hobbs warns Maricopa County that they must purchase all new machines. According to ABC15’s Garrett Archer, “the cost of all the equipment was about $ 6 million.”

If Maricopa County officials fail to act to replace all of the equipment handed over to Cyber ​​Ninjas under the direction of President Fann, Secretary Hobbs says she “will begin the decertification process,” which means the machines will be legal may not be used.

NEW: Secretary of State Katie Hobbs sent a letter to Maricopa County officials today saying that if the county tries to use the vote counters again after the election test, her office will “consider decertification
Procedure. ”Https://

– Jen Fifield (@JenAFifield) May 20, 2021

“Replacing the machines would cost the county millions,” reports the Republic of Arizona, confirming the $ 6 million figure. “The county is renting its voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems under a 3-year, $ 6.1 million contract that runs through December 2022. The county pays Dominion monthly under the contract, so it may still owe about a third of that cost. Add that to the millions the county would have to spend to lease or buy new machines. “

However, KJZZ reporter Ben Giles said Senate President Fann had “signed an agreement exempting Maricopa County from the cost of purchasing new equipment.” Which means that one way or another, taxpayers are likely to be on the hook for “testing” Republicans.

Cyber ​​ninjas, the “private contractors hired by Karen Fann, President of the Arizona Senate,” adds the Republic of Arizona, “had unrestricted and unsupervised access to the machines. It is unprecedented that private companies and individuals have in addition to machine manufacturers, have access to government-used voting machines. “

Last week sec. Hobbs reported, “Observers in my office have discovered a wireless router connected to the” Audit “servers.”

“There is no way to ensure that ballots, vote counts and possibly voter data are not connected to external networks or the Internet,” she warned.

🚨 Yesterday observers from my office discovered a wireless router that is connected to the audit servers.

There is no way to ensure that ballot papers, vote counts, and possibly voter data, are not connected to external networks or the Internet.

– Secretary Katie Hobbs (@SecretaryHobbs) May 12, 2021